Learning Lab Artist-in-Residence

Open during Meet an Artist

Second and Fourth Fridays & Saturdays of each Month, 12-2 p.m.

Chicago Cultural Center, 1st Floor South • FREE Admission


Learning Lab is an interactive studio that offers sights, sounds, and experiences for visitors of all ages and a wide range of abilities. Reinvigorated by design team Made in Englewood (Eric Hotchkiss and Andre Westhelle).


The Learning Lab is a free public space that makes learning visible.

Do you want to make the Chicago Cultural Center your hub for educational and creative activities?

Educators, artists, and non-profit organizations are invited to submit proposals to make our Lab your Hub.

More info and application


Upcoming Meet an Artist Schedule:

Friday, March 14 & 28; Saturday, March 29

Meet a local artist who is part of a 3-month residency in an open studio and explore your creativity through hands-on artmaking. No experience needed. No advance registration required.

  • Learning Lab / Learning Light - Explore how your movements affect light and color in this installation by Liviu Pasare visible from both inside and outside the Learning Lab.
  • Sound Dome - Now Playing…Sights and Sounds. Listen to a curated selection of words, music, and sound by artists from around the world. Submit content online at "Now Playing...Sights & Sounds" in the Learning Lab
  • Video Projection - Now Playing…Sights and Sounds. Enjoy selected artwork and videos of programs from artist around the world, in YouTube 30 seconds to 5 min. Submit content online at "Now Playing...Sights & Sounds" in the Learning Lab
  • Magnetic Wall - Engage with matching and mapping activities in this interactive wall designed by Design Museum Chicago. Get to know 20 women artists who have shaped the cultural landscape of Chicago, thru this sketch of a mural by Kerry James Marshall, on view on the exterior of the Chicago Cultural Center on Garland Court (PDF)
  • Rolling Walls - Divide and define the space with two mobile walls inspired by CTA cars and feature exhibition space for small objects as well as storage for the A-frame tables.
  • Interactive Wall - Explore making your own music by tightening strings and pegs or tapping on a slotted drum, peer into spaces for intimate viewfinder surprises, or relax with a book off the shelf.
  • Mobile Art Cart - Hands on exploration of color, light, tone, and space on the go. Created by Rich Faron and Museum Explorer.

Explore how your movements affect light and color in this installation by Liviu Pasare entitled, “Learning Lab / Learning Light.”

Enjoy selected artwork and videos of programs from artists around the world projected onto the wall as part of a curated series, "Now Playing…Sights and Sounds.”


Chicago Cultural Center

Admission is FREE
Open Daily, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Exhibitions close 15 minutes before the building closes
(Closed Holidays)

Plan Your Visit


Self-Guided Public Art Tour Guide (PDF)

Find us:

Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602

Chicago Cultural Center Google Map

Chicago Cultural Center Google Map

Take CTA to Chicago Cultural Center

  • From the elevated lines: exit at Washington/Wabash and walk east.
  • From the subway: exit at Lake (Red Line) or Washington (Blue Line) and walk east.
  • Served by Michigan Avenue buses 3, 4, 19, 20, 26, 60, 66, 124, 143, 147, 151, 157 and Washington St. buses 4, J14, 20, 56, 66, 147










