DCASE Educational Resources
Celebrate your city's past, present, and future culture
DCASE Homepage > Chicago Cultural Center > Learning Lab > Educational Resources

Chicago Cultural Center Learning Lab Videos
Jalen at the Learning Lab
Alex at the Learning Lab
Comics with Elgin Smith and Stanford Carpenter
Victoria Martinez: Braiding Histories
Maggie Bridger, Cultivating Chicago’s Disability Dance Community

Curriculum and Educational Resources

Artist and educator created materials such as video tours, archived videos, and curriculum guides are available for use by educators and visitors.
- Students Will: Learn about current exhibitions, in preparation for or as a follow-up to visiting an exhibition or special event.
- Ages/Audience: Multiple
- Location: Online
- Time Needed: Independent use by educator
- Schedule: Independent exploration
- Costs/Expenses: Free
GAR Hall and Rotunda
Exhibition Exploration Tours

Three-part visit which includes an interactive guided exploration of the building and one featured exhibition, in conjunction with a visit to the Learning Lab for a hands-on art making activity.
- Students Will: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
- Ages/Audience: Elementary and High School
- Location: Gallery, Learning Lab
- Time Needed: 2 hours
- Size: Maximum 2 groups per day – maximum 20 students in each group
- Schedule: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Costs/Expenses: Free. Transportation not provided.
Private Building Tours

Docents lead a guided tour highlighting the architecture and history of the Chicago Cultural Center building
(aka the People’s Palace).
- Students Will: Learn about the history of the building and how it continues to evolve as a center for culture in Chicago. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
- Ages/Audience: All ages
- Location: Building Wide (begins at the Welcome Center)
- Time Needed: 45 - 60 min.
- Size: Groups of 10-30 by appointment, pending availability.
- Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.
- Costs/Expenses: Free. Transportation not provided.
Meet An Artist-in-Residence

Drop in to meet a local artist who is part of a 3-month residency in an open studio. Make art with a wide range of materials and techniques.
- Students Will: Learn how artists think and create.
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
- Ages/Audience: All ages
- Location: Learning Lab
- Time Needed: 10 – 120 min.
- Size: 1 – 15 people
- Schedule: 12-2 p.m., 2nd and 4th Friday and Saturday
- Costs/Expenses: Free. Transportation not provided.
Self-Guided Tour

Use QR code in Visitor Guide to tour the building in English or Spanish.
- Students Will: Explore independently or in small groups, pursue areas of greatest interest to them.
- Ages/Audience: All ages
- Location: Building Wide (begin in either lobby)
- Time Needed: 15 – 60 min.
- Size: 1 – 15 people
- Schedule: During building hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m., 7 days/week, excluding holidays.
- Costs/Expenses: Free. Transportation not provided.
School in Residence (Pilot Program)

DCASE artist, staff, and engagement fellows visit classroom at least two times prior to their visit to Chicago Cultural Center, then follow up with Exhibition Exploration to the Chicago Cultural Center.
- Students Will: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
- Ages/Audience: Elementary & HS
- Location: On-site at School and at the Chicago Cultural Center
- Time Needed: 1-2 months
- Schedule: In consultation with the school.
- Costs/Expenses: Free. Transportation to the Chicago Cultural Center may be provided on a very limited basis.