CPD Applicant Appeals
Chapter 2-84 of the Municipal Code of Chicago grants the Police Board the power to consider appeals by applicants for a probationary police officer position who have been removed from the Department of Police’s eligibility list due to the results of a background examination.
See Section 2-84-035 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and the Board's Rules of Procedure for important information on the appeals process, including deadlines.
All appeals must be filed either by:
- electronic mail to PoliceBoard@cityofchicago.org (filing by e-mail is recommended); or
- certified U.S. mail to the office of the Police Board at 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite M800, Chicago, IL 60602 (the date of the postmark of the certified mailing will be considered the date of filing).
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are brief answers to frequently asked questions. See Section 2-84-035 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and the Board's Rules of Procedure for complete information on the appeals process.
I applied to become a Chicago police officer. How do I find out my status in the application process?
- You may email personnelinvestigation@chicagopolice.org to be provided an update on your application status.
Will I be notified if I am removed from the eligibility list?
- Yes, the Office of Public Safety Administration (OPSA) Investigations unit will send notification of your removal from the eligibility list to the email address you provided when you applied to become a Chicago police officer.
Will I be told why I was removed from the eligibility list?
- If you were removed due to the results of a background investigation, the OPSA will notify you of the reason(s) for the disqualification decision.
How do I get more information on my background investigation?
- You may obtain your background-investigation file by making a written request to the OPSA’s Investigations unit within 21 calendar days from the date you were notified of the disqualification decision.
May I appeal the decision to remove me from the eligibility list due to the results of a background investigation?
- Yes, you may appeal to the Police Board within 60 calendar days of the date on the letter notifying you of the disqualification decision.
How do I appeal?
- File a written request with the Police Board. Sending your written request by email to PoliceBoard@cityofchicago.org is recommended (please note that the City’s e-mail server limits attachments to 25MB). You may also file a written request by certified mail to the office of the Police Board, 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite M800, Chicago, IL 60602 (the date of the postmark of the certified mailing will be considered the date of filing).
What information must I include in my appeal?
- Your written request to the Police Board must specify why OPSA erred in the factual determinations underlying the disqualification decision, or bring to the Board's attention additional facts directly related to the reason(s) for the disqualification decision.
May I have an attorney assist me in making my appeal?
- Yes. You may hire an attorney of your own choosing. Also, if you are interested in having your case reviewed for possible free legal representation, you may contact:
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP
Contact Name: Craig Sanders
Email: csanders@beneschlaw.com
Address: 71 S Wacker Dr, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60606
What happens if I do not file a timely appeal with the Police Board?
- You are deemed to have waived the right to appeal the OPSA’s decision to remove you from the eligibility list.
What happens after I file a timely appeal?
- OPSA has an opportunity to file a response to your appeal, and you will then have an opportunity to file a reply.
- A Police Board Appeals Officer will then review all filings, make findings of fact, conclusions of law, and will then submit a recommendation to the Board.
- The Board will then decide your appeal by either affirming the disqualification decision or by reinstating you to the eligibility list.
Will there be a hearing on my appeal?
- No, the Municipal Code does not allow for a hearing on the decision to remove you from the eligibility list due to the results of a background investigation.
How long does the appeal process take?
- It depends on the Police Board’s caseload. The Board will make every effort to decide your appeal as expeditiously as possible. Feel free to contact the Board’s office to check on the status of your appeal.
How will I find out the Board’s decision?
- You will receive the Board’s final findings and decision in writing.
May I appeal the Board’s decision?
- Yes, you have the right to appeal the Board’s final decision by filing a petition for administrative review in the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Will information about my appeal be made public?
- Your name and all identifying information will not be made public. A copy of the Board’s final findings and decision will be posted to the Board’s website, but your name and other identifying information will be redacted.
Findings and Decisions
Below are the Police Board's final findings and decisions from the past two years. The applicant's name and other identifying information are redacted.
- February 2025: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 59, 24 AA 62
- January 2025: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 54, 24 AA 58, 24 AA 60, 24 AA 61
- December 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 41, 24 AA 42, 24 AA 46, 24 AA 55, 24 AA 57
- November 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 44, 24 AA 47, 24 AA 48, 24 AA 49, 24 AA 50, 24 AA 51, 24 AA 52, 24 AA 53
- October 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 28, 24 AA 36, 24 AA 37, 24 AA 38, 24 AA 39, 24 AA 40, 24 AA 43
- September 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 29, 24 AA 30, 24 AA 31, 24 AA 32, 24 AA 33, 24 AA 34
- August 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 14, 24 AA 21, 24 AA 22, 24 AA 23, 24 AA 24, 24 AA 25, 24 AA 26, 24 AA 27
- July 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 09, 24 AA 12, 24 AA 16, 24 AA 17, 24 AA 18, 24 AA 19, 24 AA 20
- June 2024: Appeal Nos. 24 AA 11, 24 AA 13, 24 AA 15
- May 2024: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 46, 24 AA 04, 24 AA 05, 24 AA 06, 24 AA 07, 24 AA 08
- April 2024: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 44, 23 AA 45, 24 AA 01, 24 AA 03
- March 2024: Appeal No. 24 AA 02
- February 2024: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 29, 23 AA 40, 23 AA 42, 23 AA 43
- January 2024: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 27, 23 AA 31, 23 AA 33, 23 AA 34, 23 AA 35, 23 AA 36, 23 AA 37, 23 AA 38, 23 AA 39
- December 2023: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 26, 23 AA 28, 23 AA 30, 23 AA 32
- November 2023: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 21, 23 AA 22, 23 AA 23, 23 AA 24
- August 2023: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 17, 23 AA 18, 23 AA 19, 23 AA 20
- July 2023: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 08, 23 AA 09, 23 AA 10, 23 AA 11, 23 AA 12, 23 AA 13, 23 AA 14, 23 AA 15, 23 AA 16
- June 2023: Appeal Nos. 23 AA 01, 23 AA 02, 23 AA 03, 23 AA 04, 23 AA 05, 23 AA 06, 23 AA 07
- April 2023: Appeal Nos. 22 AA 07, 22 AA 11, 22 AA 14, 22 AA 15, 22 AA 16
- March 2023: Appeal Nos. 22 AA 06, 22 AA 08, 22 AA 09, 22 AA 10, 22 AA 12, 22 AA 13