Chicago Department of Public Health Weekly Media Brief, 09/05/2024
CDPH Public Information:

CDPH, Park District Anti-Vaping Events
CDPH and the Chicago Park District this weekend are hosting two teen-oriented, anti-vaping pop-up events. On Friday, 9/6, the “Me & Nic Broke Up” Break Up Snack Shop comes to life at CPD's Go Grind Skate Park from 4-7pm at the Grant Park Skate Park at 1135 South Michigan Ave, and again on Saturday at T.I.P. Fest (Teens In the Park) at Northerly Island from noon to 4pm.
Me & Nic Broke Up is the theme of CDPH's teen-focused anti-vaping campaign. CDPH is partnering with Chicago teens who are sharing the dangers of Nic (nicotine) and vaping on social media.
Snacking is a coping mechanism for many teens during tough times, such as a breakup, and the “Break Up Snack Shop,” builds on that by encouraging teens to engage with the Snack Shop by providing free popcorn from the Me & Nic Broke Up branded popcorn bar. Teens can also choose multiple popcorn toppings, which mirror the broad array of flavors that vapes use to attract users. Teens will also learn about the dangers of nicotine and vaping and be encouraged to share what they've learned via social media.
For more information, visit our teen anti vaping page, the Me & Nic Broke Up website, or search the social media hashtags #Me&NicBrokeUp or #CDPHPartner on TikTok or Instagram.
30 Years of Vaccines for Children Program
Labor Day weekend has come and gone and Chicago Public Schools are back in full swing, and many children have already received their mandatory school vaccinations thanks to the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program, a CDC initiative dedicated to providing vaccines to children whose parents or guardians may not be able to afford them. The VFC program supplies vaccines for eligible children to public and private providers in all U.S. states and territories, seeking to promote health equity nationwide and eliminate cost as a barrier to vaccination. Vaccinating as many children as possible is a crucial step towards not only ensuring the health of each child, but also towards the elimination of vaccine-preventable diseases across the country.
We are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the VFC program this year, and CDPH remains dedicated to promoting vaccine access to all Chicagoans regardless of insurance status. To learn more about the VFC program and how you can access vaccines for your child, visit the Chicago Vaccines for Children webpage.
Healthy Chicago Podcast
With the cold and respiratory virus season approaching, older adults are particularly vulnerable. In the latest episode of the Spanish-language Healthy Chicago podcast, host Solange Piña-Lorca, Communications Project Manager at the Community Safety Coordination Center (CSCC), talks with Dr. Geraldine Luna, Geriatric Specialist at CDPH, about essential tips for protecting older adults during the winter months, including recommended vaccines and their schedule, as well as advice for maintaining activity and health in the harsh cold.
Listen to the newest Healthy Chicago episodes on the CDPH website and all major platforms: Spotify / Apple / YouTube