Emergency Preparedness

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Office of Public Health Preparedness & Emergency Response

The Office of Public Health Preparedness & Emergency Response helps Chicagoans learn how to prepare for and respond in the event of a public health emergency. A public health emergency is any adverse event (natural or man-made) that compromises the health of the population and has the potential to cause widespread illness. A public health emergency can be caused by an outbreak of infectious disease, a snowstorm, or a lengthy power outage that limits access to supplies and services for several days, especially affecting those who are medically dependent.

Top Pages

  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness
    A public health emergency can be caused by an outbreak of infectious disease, like we are now experiencing with COVID-19, a snow storm, or a lengthy power outage that limits access to supplies and services for several days, especially affecting those who are medically dependent. Continuing to take all precautions may be difficult, but don’t let your guard down now. Prepare yourself and protect each other.
  • Medical Reserve Corps
    The national Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a volunteer group of both medical and non-medical professionals, organized on a local basis to help provide needed services to their communities during emergencies and disasters.
  • Plan Together
    In a disaster, your neighbors will be the people in your community that you and your family turn to for immediate help. That’s why it always is important to check on your neighbors and prepare as a community for emergencies, especially those that occur seasonally, like extreme heat and extreme cold.
  • Recovering from a Disaster
    Disasters often strike with little or no warning. In an instant your home and community can be damaged or destroyed and forever changed. Even if your home or business does not suffer directly, no one who experiences a disaster is untouched by it. 

Find more in our full Emergency Preparedness Pages section 

Prepare Together

CDPH collaborates with community partners to prepare Chicago families for emergencies in a variety of ways.

In a disaster, neighbors will be the ones in a community that individuals and families turn to for immediate help. Use the link code below for tips on emergency planning, making emergency kits and more.

Learn more about Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Our Multifaceted Response

CDPH works with City, state, and federal agencies and with community partners to prepare the City of Chicago for emergencies in a variety of areas. These areas include:

  • Disease outbreaks
  • Healthcare System preparedness program
  • Medications for the public during public health emergencies
  • Facilitate distrubution of medication for public health emergencies
  • Training tools for health care workers and first responders
  • Large-scale organization disaster recovery

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Emergency Preparedness Pages

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