Office of Underground Coordination
Office of Underground Coordination (OUC)
The Office of Underground Coordination (OUC) is the distribution agency within the Chicago Department of Transportation, Division of Infrastructure Management, for all requests regarding existing utility information (Information Retrieval Process - "IR") and the review/approval of construction work in or adjacent to the Public Way (Existing Facility Protection - "EFP"). This also includes large projects with deep excavations and penetrations, such as foundations (piles, caisson, etc.), earth retention systems or major piping installations.
The OUC is responsible for the protection of the City's surface and subsurface infrastructure from damage due to planned and programmed construction, installation and maintenance projects. Proposed projects for new construction and installation work must be processed through the OUC, prior to the issuance of permits through the CDOT DOIM Permit Section, City Hall - Room 905, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60602
The OUC is made up of 27 reviewing utility member ("Members") consisting of both city agencies and private entities, who review IR and EFP documents to determine the effect specific requests will have on their existing facilities. Each Member reviews individual IR and EFP requests, which are then commented on either through providing existing atlas information/record drawings; conflict notification and resolution requirements; or authorizing proposed construction/installation of new facilities.
NOTE: Items on these pages reflect CDOT's guidelines to which all parties (governmental agencies, utilities, not-for-profit associations, private contractors, private companies, individuals, etc.) must adhere to when constructing within the Public Way. This information is not to be considered all-inclusive or an incorporate of other requirements that might be set forth concurrently by other City, State and Federal agencies.
Information Retrieval (IR) process
Existing Facility Protection (EFP) process
Existing Facility Protection--projects requiring review
Implosion permitting procedures
OUC Members
Project Request Form
Project Request Form Help Documentation
- Expedited Review and Fee (PDF)
- Geotechnical Review Guidelines (PDF)
- Geotechnical Review Fee (PDF)
CDOT - DIM's Utility Coordination Video