Chicago Livery, Charter/Sightseeing, Pedicab, Ambulance, Medicar, Water Taxi/Tour Boats, Low-Speed Electric PPV, and Jitney Vehicle Licenses
For-hire Public Passenger Vehicles driven by public chauffeurs must be licensed by BACP.
Public Passenger Vehicle License Checklist for New Applicants
Tool Kit for Public Passenger Vehicle License Holders!
The following pages provides an overview, information, and application forms for specific Public Passenger Vehicle Licenses issued by BACP:
Livery, Charter/Sightseeing, Low-Speed Electric PPV, Medicar, and Jitney Vehicle License Information
Water Taxi / Tour Boats

Public Vehicle Traffic Management Directives (and corresponding maps)
- Public Vehicle Traffic Management Directives (and corresponding maps) are published at BACP’s Public Vehicle Traffic Management Directives and Industry Notices webpage.
- Chicago’s OEMC (Office of Emergency Management and Communications), CPD (Chicago Police Department), and CDOT (Chicago Department of Transportation) collaboratively plan, design, and implement traffic management directives for large-scale events and venues to ensure that the effective movement of vehicles and pedestrians is secure and safe. The intent is for the public to safely and efficiently arrive and leave major and popular Chicago events and venues (including beaches). BACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection) facilitates dissemination of public vehicle traffic management directives by posting on its webpage and through BACP Public Vehicle Industry Notices.
- City of Chicago laws require public vehicle operators and public chauffeurs to follow and comply with Public Vehicle Traffic Management Directives. All public vehicle operators, including taxi, transportation network provider (TNP or ride-hail), livery, pedicab, and charter bus operators, should read and comply with City of Chicago Public Vehicle Traffic Management Directives.
- Questions or to sign up for BACP Public Vehicle Industry Notices, email