Equity Dashboard

Driving institutional transformation means being transparent about our data and goals. Therefore, OERJ is embarking on a series of equity dashboards to demonstrate the existing status of the city’s workforce and will ultimately include contracting and procurement data. We hope Chicago residents will use these unprecedented publicly transparent dashboards to track progress, measure impact, and develop responsive and meaningful solutions to our longstanding equity challenges.

Use the menu in the upper left of the Dashboard to move between the following:

Current Workforce

Here, take a look at Chicago’s current workforce and see how it compares to the population that City employees serve. 

By Department 

This page will allow you to better understand the workforce by each department or for multiple departments. Use the panel on the left to select the department or department you wish to see. 

Hiring Trends

Overview - These charts breakdown the total population of new City employees for each year (within the past 10 years). By showing the breakdown of new employees by ethnicity/race, gender and age, the charts help show how the City workforce is changing over time.

Filter - Use this tool to understand different cross sections of the workforce over time. Here you can filter by gender or age range. 


Workforce Data: All workforce data comes from the Chicago Integrated Personnel and Payroll Systems (ChIPPS). 

Comparison Data: 

The comparison data is from the American Community Survey (ACS) by the US Census Bureau (2018). For further info on the ACS data please click here. The ethnicity/race and gender breakdown of the workforce is compared to the whole population of Chicago, while age breakdown is compared to Chicago’s population 18 and older.

The  Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is also referenced as it holds significant data regarding the City workforce. Demographic categories used by BLS include sex, age, race, and ethnic origin. The comparison data we have here is limited to persons of working age, defined as 16 years and older. The comparison data here is limited to persons age 18 and older. For further info on the BLS data please click here. (https://www.bls.gov/bls/demographics.htm)


Ethnicity / Race 

Race and ethnicity are two concepts both related to human ancestry. Race is defined as “a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits.” The term ethnicities is more broadly defined as “large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.” The City of Chicago includes people of Hispanic origion within the designated groups, while national Census Data considered this to be an ethnicity. In this Dashboard, we refer to Ethnicity/Race to include individuals who may identify as Hispanic. 

Senior Manager 

Senior Manager positions are positions (1) not covered by a CBA; (2) not career service Positions (i.e. they are employees-at-will); (3) not Exempt; and (4) involve significant managerial responsibilities.

Shakman Exempt 

An exempt position that involves policy making to an extent or is confidential in such a way that political affiliation is an appropriate consideration for the effective performance of the job. 

Shakman Covered
Covered positions are set forth using hiring practices that: base employee selection on a Candidate's knowledge, skills and ability to perform effectively on the job; provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified Applicants; prohibit the entry of Political Reasons or Factors and other Improper considerations into any stage of the selection and hiring processes for Covered Positions; provide the Hiring Authority with maximum lawful discretion in making selection decisions; and create a transparent hiring system that minimizes the ability to manipulate employment decisions.


Union Represented
Positions represented by a labor organization (i.e., union) for the purpose of establishing, through the process of collective bargaining, certain provisions covering wages, and other terms and conditions of employment for the employees represented by the labor organization

Any feedback, concerns or request can be sent to: OERJ@cityofchicago.org