Update Your Business License Information
Licensees must notify BACP about any changes to their business.
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chAnge/update contact information
Update your contact information and the contact information of any officers associated with your license to allow BACP to keep in touch with you regarding important City and business-related announcements and opportunities. If your contact information has changed, email chicagobusinessdirect@cityofchicago.org with your updated contact information.
chAnge legal entity name or doing business as (DBA) name
Make an application to change this information within 60 days of the change. The change application cost is $40. Change of Legal Name Applications must be filed in person at the Small Business Center and include the amendment to the articles of organization (LLC) or incorporation (Corporation). Change of DBA applicants are encouraged to confirm their DBA with the Cook County Clerk.
expand or move a business location
Business licenses are issued for a specific location and are not transferrable. You must obtain a new license for every distinct location. To apply for a license, see the Apply page.
Add a new business activity to your existing business
Licenses are issued for specific activities. Any new activities planned for an existing business location must be approved by BACP. File a license application to add additional business activities to your existing license.
buy, sell or transfer your business
File a change of owners or corporate officers application upon purchase of a business. Before taking any action, ensure that the business is in good standing:
- Check and pay any debt to the City by contacting the Department of Finance.
- Ensure all taxes are current with the Department of Finance.
- Resolve any pending violations or disciplinary actions. To check license violation history, file a Freedom of Information Request.
For licensees selling a business, failure to meet these terms can result in being banned from obtaining City business licenses in the future. Outstanding debts will continue to accrue interest even after the sale of the business.
For those buying a business, failure to confirm that the business is in good standing can result in legal responsibility for the sellers’ obligations.
cAncel a business license or end a business Activity
Notify BACP in writing of your request to cancel your license or end a business activity by emailing businesslicense@cityofchicago.org. Before requesting to cancel your license, ensure that your business is in good standing:
- Check and pay any debt to the City by contacting the Department of Finance.
- Ensure all taxes are current with the Department of Finance.
- Resolve any pending violations or disciplinary actions. To check license violation history, file a Freedom of Information Request.
change owners or corporate officers
Changes to your business’s owners or officers (controlling persons) must be reflected on your business account by filing an Update Ownership/ Officers application. For an LLC, you must submit an amendment to the operating agreement, and for a corporation, you must submit corporate minutes or a secretarial certificate denoting the change. All documents must be signed by either an officer of record or majority owner. Note that some license types require controlling persons to be fingerprinted as part of the change process.
Liquor License Holders
Cost for removing an officer with no ownership change: $0
Cost for adding an officer with no ownership change: $500
All other ownership changes: $2,000
$40 fee for each individual required to be fingerprinted
All Other License Holders
Cost for change application where no fingerprint-based background check is required: $100
Cost for change application where a fingerprint-based background check is required: $250
$40 fee for each individual required to be fingerprinted
For questions, call 312.74.GOBIZ (744-6249) or 312.44.1944 for TTY, or email businesslicense@cityofchicago.org.
Disclaimer: This information is provided to help the public better understand business and other licensing requirements and procedures in the City of Chicago. This information is general, may not apply to a particular set of facts, and is not legal advice. In the event of any conflict between (1) the Municipal Code or any other law, rule, or regulation (collectively, “applicable law”) and (2) the information and materials provided on this website, the applicable law shall govern.