Liquor Licenses
License Overview
You must have a City of Chicago Liquor License to sell liquor. There are different types of liquor licenses required for different activities. See the list of liquor licenses here.
Related Licenses
- A food license is required to serve food.
- Conducting an amusement requires a Public Place of Amusement License.
Application Requirements
- A debt check will be conducted as part of the application process. All City debt must be resolved for the license to be issued.
- A fingerprint-based background check will be conducted for all controlling persons as part of the application process.
- An inspection of the premises will be conducted by BACP, Department of Buildings, Department of Health, and the Chicago Fire Department
- The local Alderman, police Commander, and each registered voter within 250 feet of a proposed liquor license establishment is notified when an application is filed.
- The City will vet the proposed establishment’s location to ensure that it does not fall into a “dry precinct” or moratorium area that prohibits the issuance of additional liquor licenses.
- Liquor licenses cannot be issued within 100 feet of a school, church, hospital, home for the aged, or library without a distance reduction being granted.
How to Apply
In person: Visit the Small Business Center Visit Us webpage for wait times, location, and hours of operation.
Online: Visit the online business license application system.
The City of Chicago does not regulate the practice of BYOB. However, businesses that wish to engage in BYOB are responsible for ensuring that all laws and ordinances concerning the consumption of alcohol on their premises are followed including making sure minors are not consuming alcohol and protecting against customers over consuming.
Quick Guide to Liquor Licensing
Public Place of Amusement one pager
For ordinance reference, please see the Municipal Code of Chicago
For questions, call 312-74-GOBIZ (744-6249) or email
Additional Resources
Chicago Licensee Plans of Operation
Classes of Liquor Licenses
Community Meetings
Late Hour Liquor License Application Process
Liquor and Public Place of Amusement Applications
Liquor License Eligibility
Liquor License Inspections
Liquor License Restrictions and Moratorium
Public Notice of New Retail Liquor License Applications
Public Place of Amusement One Pager
Required Documents for Liquor License Application
Steps in the Liquor License Application Process
Top Tips for Liquor Licenses
Restaurant License Inspection Status
Requirements for Conceal and Carry Signage