Frequently Asked Questions

Updated Jan. 31, 2025

What is the purpose of this planning effort?

To build upon and implement recent planning efforts by creating a framework for future land use and development decisions along Broadway, from Montrose to Devon, and adjusting zoning designations to best promote the type of development envisioned in these plans. Examples of past planning efforts include the Broadway Community Vision, CTA Red and Purple Modernization Transit-Oriented Development Plan and Uptown eTOD Site Study at Broadway and Wilson. Draft zoning and land use recommendations can be found on the Broadway Land Use Planning website and were presented at an in-person open house on December 16, 2024.

Why is this happening on this timeline?

This effort builds on several recent plans and studies for Broadway in Edgewater and Uptown, which identified a solid foundation of shared community priorities and goals. This process is an extension of those visioning efforts and will help achieve land use and development goals. 

As CTA construction is completed in the coming year or two, several significant sites will become available for redevelopment. Recommendations must be finalized by the end of 2024 to shape the redevelopment of those sites and accelerate investment on Broadway after a difficult few years of construction and COVID-19 impacts.

What is the purpose of the community open houses?

There have been two land use/development-focused open houses for the Broadway corridor. The first meeting took place on October 7 and focused on confirming priority community goals and preferences for ground floor uses. The second took place on December 16 and focused on specific land use and zoning recommendations, including density and height.

How else can I get involved?

The feedback form for input on land use and zoning recommendations is open through an extended deadline of February 6. Updates on the project will be provided to those who sign up to receive email updates.

Why aren’t transportation and public realm recommendations included in this planning work?

This planning work will create a framework to shape future development along the Broadway corridor. Although development and streetscape design are related, the tools used to modify each are different, which is why they are being discussed separately.

There is ongoing coordination between the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and local aldermanic offices (46, 47, 48) to ensure strategies are complementary.

CDOT is currently considering multimodal transportation improvements along Broadway south of Foster (north of Foster is IDOT’s jurisdiction) and will share those ideas soon. The project team will continue to share all relevant feedback received through this process with CDOT staff.

What types of development are allowed with the proposed zoning changes?

For maps of the proposed zoning changes and a summary of what that means for development within the study area, please view the December 16, 2024 Open House Boards.

Allowed uses: To learn about the full range of uses allowed in business and commercial (B and C) zoning districts, see 17-3-0200 in the Zoning Ordinance, or refer to the PDF version of the allowed uses table for easier viewing.

Building form and density: To learn about the form requirements and allowances in business and commercial (B and C) zoning districts, see 17-3-0400 in the Zoning Ordinance.

Pedestrian Streets: Pedestrian Streets are designated in the zoning code and have special design and use restrictions intended to preserve and enhance pedestrian-oriented shopping districts. There are existing Pedestrian Streets within the study area, and two new segments proposed to create a continuous Pedestrian Street along Broadway between Montrose and Winona. To learn about the requirements and allowances for properties along Pedestrian Streets, see 17-3-0500 in the Zoning Ordinance.

Beyond zoning requirements, how else can building design be influenced?

DPD has adopted urban design guidelines that apply to development projects along all neighborhood commercial corridors. They address topics such as sustainability, building program, site design, public realm, massing and façade design. Any projects that require additional City approvals or funding are evaluated using the guidelines during their design review process.

The primary set of design guidelines is the Neighborhood Design Guidelines. There are also more specific guidelines for ground floor housing and storefronts along commercial corridors such as Broadway.

Why don’t we know exactly what future development will look like?

The purpose of this land use framework is to create transparent expectations for development and clear logic for future decisions. The framework must be flexible enough to adapt to future conditions and the details of specific projects.

The vast majority of land within the study area is privately owned, which means individual property owners control when and how properties change. Other factors such as real estate demand, financial limitations and political context evolve and shape what types of projects are feasible.

Zoning is one of the most powerful land use tools, and when used proactively, can help attract and incentivize more desirable investments in the short and long term.

What are the affordable housing requirements for new development under the proposed zoning?

If a property being rezoned is adding development rights (expanded uses and/or additional density allowances), the Affordable Requirements Ordinance will apply to projects with at least 10 housing units, including those being built by-right. This is typically applied as 20% of total units affordable to residents making 60% of the Area Median Income.

What are the next steps to begin implementing the land use and development recommendations?

In the first part of 2025, zoning changes can be introduced to City Council, which starts a legislative process that generally takes a few months before final approval. Also in early 2025, CTA plans to release solicitations to sell several properties that have been used temporarily for Red Purple Modernization construction work. These properties will be redeveloped into mixed-use transit-oriented development projects that align with recommendations from this planning work, as well as the CTA Red and Purple Modernization Transit-Oriented Development Plan completed in 2018. Construction is anticipated to begin sometime in 2026 or 2027 after CTA construction is complete.

Specific details on logistics and timing are still being worked out and will be shared as soon as available.

How will this proposal impact existing and future businesses on Broadway under the proposed zoning recommendations?

Existing Businesses:

Legally operating businesses may continue as they are indefinitely, regardless of the proposed zoning. The only potential challenges for current businesses that do not comply under a future zoning district may come if they want to expand their space or reinstate their license after a lapse of several months. The properties that may be impacted and additional information on restrictions are included in the December 16 Open House Boards.

Future Businesses:

Broadway currently includes a variety of zoning districts, which range between allowing more business types and fewer business types than the proposed zoning districts. The proposed districts were selected with the following goals to support the corridor’s commercial success:

  1. To create more consistent regulations for new businesses on Broadway.
  2. To facilitate greater residential density on Broadway, supporting existing and new businesses.
  3. To streamline the establishment and potential expansion of desired neighborhood-serving businesses and restricting the establishment of new auto-oriented uses such as outdoor auto sales.
  4. To facilitate a more pedestrian-oriented form of development that drives greater foot traffic to businesses.

Will there still be opportunity for public engagement on future development projects?

Yes. Large projects that exceed specified unit count, height or other thresholds will continue to require Chicago Plan Commission and City Council approval of a Planned Development, which includes a more extensive review and set of requirements than standard zoning changes. Additionally, some projects will still require rezoning approval from City Council, variation or special use approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) and/or approval from the Commission on Chicago Landmarks. In all of these instances, there will continue to be opportunities for public feedback at public hearings.

What are the minimum residential automobile parking requirements for new development under the proposed zoning?

In the proposed zoning districts (B2-5, B3-5, and C1-5), within one-half mile of a CTA/Metra station or one-quarter mile of a major bus corridor (which includes the entire Broadway study area), the residential parking minimums are 1 space per 2 units for the first 100 units and 0.3 spaces per unit after the first 100 units. The Zoning Administrator may approve an Administrative Adjustment to reduce the parking requirement further when appropriate, potentially down to 0 parking spaces. Requirements vary for other land uses and when buildings are being repurposed or expanded. Additional information about parking requirements can be found in 17-10-0207 and 17-10-0102-B of the Zoning Ordinance.