Revenue Reports

The City of Chicago’s monthly comparative estimate of revenue collections provides a summary of revenues received and transfers made in the City’s corporate fund for the current fiscal year. The information contained in these monthly reports is for informational purposes only and does not reflect final audited figures.

Historically, the City has waited until all revenue has been collected before publishing reports. This can delay the City’s ability to share data by up to five months. The changes made with this report allows the City to provide a more current and timely picture of its revenues.

This guide provides information to help read the report and understand the data shared.


The Month and Year-to-Date columns reflect revenue totals for the reporting month or from the start of the year through the reporting month.

Actuals reflect revenue collected for a given period. Prior year actuals do not include adjustments made during the annual audit process.

Budgeted figures represent anticipated collections for a given period. Monthly budget amounts are created by taking the total revenue anticipated and allocating across months based on historical patterns, seasonality, and in the case of some tax revenues expected economic conditions. 

For some tax revenues there can be a two-to-three-month lag between the month for which the tax is due and the month in which it is collected. This report pertains to the collections month, which means at the beginning of the fiscal year some tax revenues accrue to the prior fiscal year and do not appear in this report. For some non-tax revenues, specifically fines, forfeitures, and penalties and charges for service for which the City is reimbursed, the beginning of the fiscal year includes a mix of revenues related to the prior fiscal year as well as the current fiscal year. In those cases, actuals have been adjusted for known prior year collections.

Collections reflect cash collections for the current budget year. Month Collections reflect the amount collected specifically in the reported month while the YTD Collections reflect the cumulative amount collected for the year, through the reporting month.  Due to a lag in collections, some revenue streams do not begin for the current budget year until the second, third, or fourth month. As part of regular activity, the City reviews revenues received to ensure those revenues are allocated to the appropriate period. The City could determine after these reports are published that some reported revenue belongs to a prior period and make adjustments to reflect those revenues in the proper period.

The Annual Budget column shows expected collections for the full fiscal year. 


Comparisons between these estimated budget revenues and collections are one indication of revenue performance and can indicate economic developments that may affect the annual revenue forecast. However, while budget estimates take some seasonality into account, there can be significant fluctuations from one month to the next, both in when revenues are received and, at times, in the activities from which revenues are derived. Over the course of the year, many of these fluctuations even out. However, early in any fiscal year, these fluctuations can both give the impression of better or worse conditions and could mask underlying risks. As a result, the City intends to update its year-end estimate with the annual Budget Forecast to be published in August.

Revenue Reports