June 25, 2024

Mayor Brandon Johnson to Participate in Panel Discussion to Raise Awareness Around New City of Chicago Paid Time Off Policy

As part of Chicago Workers’ Rights Week, Mayor Johnson is participating in a panel discussion hosted by the Raise the Floor Alliance.

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

CHICAGO – This afternoon, Mayor Brandon Johnson will join Alderman Mike Rodriguez, Chair of the City Council Committee on Workforce Development, and labor partners for a panel discussion hosted by Raise the Floor Alliance aimed at highlighting the new Paid Time Off policy (‘Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance’), which is set to go into effect Monday, July 1.  

“The working people of Chicago deserved a day off, so we gave them 10,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “As the historic Paid Time Off policy goes into effect, my administration will continue our work to ensure every worker and every employer is aware of this new law. We want to see a smooth and seamless implementation so that our workers and our businesses can continue to thrive.” 

The Chicago City Council passed the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance on November 9, 2023. The ordinance guarantees up to five days of paid leave and five days of paid sick leave for all Chicago workers who work at least 80 hours within any 120-day period.  

"I am excited that the day has finally come when all workers in Chicago can take time off to be with their families, whether it’s to care for aging parents or attend a child’s graduation, without the fear of losing their job or income,” said Council Workforce Development Chairman Mike Rodriguez. “We all deserve time off to have the experiences that make life meaningful. I am proud to have sponsored the most progressive paid leave law in the country." 

“As the mother of a child with special needs, I'm grateful for the added flexibility that this new ordinance will give me,” said Elena Bucio, a domestic worker and Latino Union of Chicago member. “I can now give my daughter the more immediate care she sometimes needs." 

Employees will begin accruing paid time off and sick leave on Monday, July 1, when the ordinance takes effect. This panel is part of “Chicago Workers’ Rights Week,” Mayor Johnson’s initiative to ensure that all workers in Chicago are aware of the ordinances going into effect on July 1, including an increase to the minimum wage, an increase in the sub-minimum wage, and the Paid Time Off policy.  

"The Raise the Floor Alliance is proud to have advocated for this long-overdue change. Chicago is now setting a national standard for treating workers with the respect and dignity that they deserve,” said Sophia Zaman, Executive Director of the Raise the Floor Alliance. “There is much more work ahead of us, but we are grateful that Mayor Johnson championed this ordinance and helped secure a major win for the working people of Chicago." 

The panel discussion will take place today on the 25th floor of 1 N. LaSalle Street from 4:00 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. Following today’s discussion, Mayor Johnson will continue his efforts to ensure workers are aware of their rights in the workplace. To view informational fliers, Frequently Asked Questions, and public notices on Chicago’s labor laws, visit Chicago.gov/Labor Standards.  

