July 27, 2018

Mayor Emanuel and Police Superintendent Johnson Announce 97 New Officers Hitting City Streets

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson today announced 97 new probationary police officers being sent to neighborhood police Districts for their first assignment as part of the hiring plan to add nearly 1,000 more officers.

“This new generation of officers joining communities across the city to keep them safe show that we are one city with one future, standing up and working together for the values we share,” said Mayor Emanuel. “As we continue to strengthen the resources and support for officers, these officers will build better relationships with residents and improve public safety all across the city.”

Since the start of 2017, more than 1,800 new recruits have entered Police Academy to train to become police officers. This year alone, 654 new officers have deployed to their district assignments to support public safety and engage community members in effective problem solving through community policing.

“Today, neighborhoods across Chicago are welcoming the next generation of Chicago Police officers who accepted the challenge to protect our communities and become true community police officers,” said Superintendent Johnson. “These new officers have received training based upon best practices in law enforcement and will be among the first officers to receive annual training throughout their entire career.

These new officer are being deployed after successfully completing their training at the Academy and initial field training. The new officers benefited from CPD’s enhanced training curriculum which includes scenario based instruction and renewed focus on de-escalation and force mitigation. During the six-month police academy, recruits learn all applicable laws and protocols for being a Chicago Police Officer. In addition to physical training, they receive instruction in procedural justice, and critical thinking as well as scenario-based training in crisis intervention and de-escalation, use of force, and community building. This was followed by three months of field training, during which officers are paired with Field Training Officers for hands-on guidance during their first in-the-field months.

These new officers have joined as part of CPD’s ongoing “Be the Change” recruitment campaign which reflects the belief that this new generation of police officers will lay the groundwork for a more diverse department and be future leaders who define how police support, protect and work together with Chicago's communities.

These probationary officers hit the street on July 22nd. The breakdown of the city-wide deployment is below:

District Officers
District 1 (Central) 10
District 2 (Wentworth)  10
District 6 (Gresham) 10
District 7 (Englewood) 10
District 8 (Chicago Lawn) 10
District 11 (Harrison) 10
District 12 (Near West)  10
District 15 (Austin)  10
District 18 (Near North) 10
District 19 (Town Hall)  7

