Mayor to Governor: Let's Hold Gun Dealers to Same Standard We Hold Barber Shops
While SB 1657, the bipartisan Gun Dealer Licensing Act, awaits the governor's signature, Mayor Rahm Emanuel today is highlighting the many businesses and professional services that require a state license in order to operate in Illinois. For instance, any business that wishes to sell alcohol or tobacco in Illinois must be licensed by the state. Likewise, purveyors of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices must register with the state. So must barbers and professional hair braiders, as well as those wishing to sell wholesale fish and exotic aquatic life. Despite the fact that Illinois has no requirement that gun dealers be licensed by the state, Governor Bruce Rauner continues to refuse to sign this bipartisan, commonsense piece of legislation.
"Any Illinois business that wants to sell liquor or tobacco, eggs or wholesale aquatic life, or to cut and braid hair, must be licensed by the state. Why should gun dealers be any exception?" said Mayor Emanuel. "This isn't difficult: if we can license barber shops, we can license gun dealers."
Among the businesses or professional services requiring a license to operate in the State of Illinois:
- The Illinois Liquor Control commission licenses businesses who sell liquor.
- The Illinois Department of Revenue licenses those who sell cigarettes and tobacco products.
- The Illinois Department of Agriculture licenses anyone who grades, packs, sells or barters eggs.
- The Illinois Department of Natural Resources licenses those who run a wholesale fish market or sell protected/indigenous aquatic life wholesale.
- The Illinois State Fire Marshal licenses pyrotechnic distributors and operators.
- The Illinois Department of National Resources licenses outfitters, campground and mobile home park operators.
- The Illinois Department of Agriculture licenses aviary (i.e. beekeeper) operators.
- The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation licenses barbers and hair braiders.