Healthy Chicago 2.0 Community Seed Grants Awarded
$175,000 investment in neighborhood-level health improvement efforts
The Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago (PHIMC) and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced the community-based organizations receiving this year’s Healthy Chicago 2.0 Seed Grants to reduce health inequities as part of the city’s four-year community health improvement plan. The aim of the funding opportunity is to support catalytic projects that advance the Healthy Chicago 2.0 vision to improve health for all of Chicago’s residents.
"Healthy Chicago 2.0 is a reflection of our city’s values that no matter the neighborhood, children and families deserve good health,” said Mayor Emanuel. “These new community partnerships support that vision and residents in accessing the healthy food, space to enjoy positive activities and healthcare services they need to strengthen their well-being.”
Successful applicants aligned projects with an existing community plan and Healthy Chicago 2.0 goals, objectives, or strategies. All selected organizations serve community areas in Chicago with high economic hardship and/or very low childhood opportunity. The selection process gave special consideration to proposals that address the conditions that promote heath in a community including access to social services and healthy food, safe public spaces, social cohesion and collaboration across community organizations.
“Healthy Chicago 2.0 recognizes the work already happening in our communities across Chicago,” said CDPH Commissioner Julie Morita, M.D. “By investing in community-based organizations, we are not only improving the health and success of our neighborhoods but also building capacity at the grassroots level for sustainable progress.”
The Emanuel Administration has pushed for innovative policy initiatives that work to improve the health of Chicago’s residents. In recognition of Chicago’s public health efforts, CityHealth awarded Chicago a gold medal. Some of these recent efforts include making quality pre-kindergarten universal for all children, the passage of the city’s first paid sick leave law, implementation of policies to promote walking and biking and raising the age for purchasing tobacco products to 21.
“We are excited to welcome these new organizations into the Healthy Chicago 2.0 Seed Project,” said Karen A. Reitan, PHIMC Executive Director. “We are thrilled to be working with five unique organizations who are driving community-led efforts to improve their neighborhoods.”
A total of $175,000 in Seed funding has been awarded for 2017. Grant awards range from $19,000 to $40,000. This is the second year of Healthy Chicago 2.0 Community Seed grant awards, the grants run from July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
A full list of grantees and project summaries below:
Organization | Community Area | Project Summary |
Build, Inc. | Austin | Expand the use of restorative justice practices as a violence prevention technique and create safe spaces for Austin youth and families to come together to engage in positive activities free from fear of violence. |
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community | Armour Square | Conduct a walkability audit and produce a report that outlines existing conditions and recommendations for infrastructure improvements that support a more bicyclist- and pedestrian-friendly community and creates a sense of a safer and healthier community. |
Inner-City Muslim Action Network | Chicago Lawn/Englewood/West Englewood | Implement the Corner Store Distribution System Pilot to increase availability to fresh produce at corner stores, strengthen local food ecosystems, and increase nutrition education offered in at the farmer’s market and IMAN Health Clinic. |
The Montessori School of Englewood | Englewood/West Englewood | Support the work of a Community Health and Development Coordinator to broaden and sustain collaborations that provide health and wellness resources and services to students and families in Englewood. |
Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) | Gage Park/Chicago Lawn/West Elsdon | Build capacity to address the social determinants of health by supporting an organizer to develop networks of individuals and institutions to implement the community plan goals related to HC 2.0. |