August 30, 2017

Mayor Emanuel Celebrates the Opening of the Mildred I. Lavizzo Elementary School Playground

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

Mayor Rahm Emanuel today cut the ribbon at Chicago Public Schools’ (CPS) Mildred I. Lavizzo Elementary School playground. The renovation includes playground equipment designed for students ages 2-5 and 5-12, a permeable rubber surface for safety and meets ADA requirements for accessibility.
“On everything from playgrounds high-quality educational programming, the City of Chicago will continue making these important investments for our children’s future,” said Mayor Emanuel. “Lavizzo now has a high-quality place for students to play so that they can continue the remarkable academic successes they are making in the classroom.”

In January 2017, Lavizzo Elementary announced the addition of IB programming, which enables students to more easily matriculate into the proven IB pathway for high school. Beginning IB in elementary school gives students the confidence to take on academically challenging courses of study in high school. Recently finalized data also shows that students in IB programmes have rates of graduation (96.2 percent), college enrollment (81 percent), and college persistence (71.6 percent) that far exceed state and national averages.

“I’m delighted with the installation of a new playground at Lavizzo,” said Alderman Carrie Austin. “As recess undoubtedly optimizes our student’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development, this community investment will go far in helping our students continue the remarkable academic gains they are making. It will likewise serve to foster such quality interaction for the entire school community.”

The City of Chicago has been committed to broad investment in capital projects throughout the city. Investments with CPS has included new schools, playgrounds and air conditioning, improvements and access to technology, new computers and expanded bandwidth, expanded academic programs and core facilities investments.
