November 18, 2015

Various Measures Introduced to and Approved by the Chicago City Council

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

Attached please find press releases announcing various measures introduced to the Chicago City Council today. Below is a list of the releases attached for your convenience:

Various Community and Land Development Measures Introduced to City Council
Mayor Emanuel Introduces Extension to M/WBE Construction Program

Attached please find press releases announcing various measures approved by Chicago City Council today. Below is a list of the releases attached for your convenience:

Various Community and Land Development Measures Approved by City Council
City Council Approves Ordinance Protecting Taxpayers, Increasing Accountability and Transparency in Future City Privatization Agreements
Mayor Emanuel Announces City Council Approval of Craig Chico to the CHA Board of Commissioners; Appoints Dr. Byron Brazier to the CTA
