Various Measures Introduced to and Approved by the Chicago City Council
Attached please find press releases announcing various measures introduced to the Chicago City Council today. Below is a list of the releases attached for your convenience:
1. Mayor Emanuel Introduces Ordinance To Crack Down On Businesses Posing A Threat To Public Safety In Chicago’s Neighborhoods
2. Mayor Emanuel Introduces Ordinance To Create An Incentive To Use Neighborhood Subcontractors On City Work
3. Mayor Emanuel Introduces Ordinance To Streamline Process For Vendors To Obtain Seasonal, Special Event Permits And Licenses
4. Mayor Emanuel Introduces Ordinance To Lease Vacant Land, Create Open Space
5. Mayor Emanuel, Aldermen Pawar & Colon Introduce Ordinance To Create City’s First Language Access Policy And Establish A Municipal Id Working Group
6. Mayor Emanuel, Alderman Quinn Introduce Ordinance To Combat Catalytic Converter Thefts
7. Various Community and Land Development Measures Introduced to City Council
Attached please find press releases announcing various measures approved by Chicago City Council today. Below is a list of the releases attached for your convenience:
1. City Council Authorizes Federal Funding To Support The Bridges To Pathways Juvenile Justice Program
2. City Council Authorizes Federal Funding To Provide 1,100 More Early Head Start Slots For Infants And Toddlers
3. City Council Approves Ordinance To Support, Bolster Chicago’s Bids For Obama Presidential Library
4. City Council Approves Ordinance Providing $5 Million in Assistance for Small Businesses in Targeted Neighborhoods
5. Mayor Emanuel, Alderman Suarez And Others Pass Reforms To Affordable Requirements Ordinance
6. Various Community and Land Development Measures Approved By City Council