August 19, 2014

Mayor Emanuel and CPS CEO Byrd-Bennett Announce First Phase of Classroom Air Conditioning Installation Completed On Time and Under Budget

CPS Completes the First Phase of Air Conditioning Installations at 57 Schools; 86 Schools to Receive Air Conditioning Systems this Year

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett announced today that the first phase of air conditioning installations at 57 schools was completed on time and under budget. This is the first phase of a multi-year plan to provide air conditioning in every CPS classroom. As a result of this efficiency, Mayor Emanuel and CPS CEO Byrd-Bennett announced in July that an additional 29 schools will receive by the end of October. With this investment, a total of 154 schools have received air conditioning in the past two years.

“This investment ensures a comfortable learning environment for our students and teachers as we prepare to kick off another great school year,” said Mayor Emanuel. “With the completion of the first phase air conditioning system installations, our students will be able to better concentrate on their studies instead of the temperature in the classroom, which is essential for a successful future.”

The first phase of the multi-year plan and every subsequent year will each cost approximately $20 million and will be funded through the CPS capital budget. Electrical savings this year have allowed CPS to expand the first phase to include 29 additional schools for the same total funding in FY15.

“Bringing air conditioning to all of our classrooms is important for our students to do the work they need to succeed,” said CPS CEO Byrd-Bennett. “With this investment, the quality of our learning environments will mirror the quality of our instruction.”

Schools were selected to prioritize those that had no air conditioning and expanded to include those with partial air conditioning, which required a lower infrastructure investment. These schools also represent a geographic balance across the district so all communities would benefit from this investment. Mayor Emanuel and the Board previously installed air conditioning at 68 schools in 2013, including 55 welcoming schools.

The 57 schools that received air conditioning systems in the first phase of installation are below:

John Barry Elementary School
Newton Bateman Elementary School
Hiram H Belding Elementary School
Daniel Boone Elementary School
Norman A Bridge Elementary School
Lyman A Budlong Elementary School
Burnside Elementary Scholastic Academy
Jonathan Burr Elementary School
Marvin Camras Elementary School
Rachel Carson Elementary School
Henry R Clissold Elementary School
Christopher Columbus Elementary School
Stephen Decatur Classical Elementary School
James R Doolittle Elementary School
Fairfield Elementary Academy
Christian Fenger Academy High School
Fernwood Elementary School
Melville W Fuller Elementary School
Frank L Gillespie Elementary School
Johann W von Goethe Elementary School
William C Goudy Elementary School
Frank W Gunsaulus Elementary Scholastic Academy
William Rainey Harper High School
Helge A Haugan Elementary School
John Hay Elementary Community Academy
Stephen K Hayt Elementary School
Thomas A Hendricks Community Academy
Patrick Henry Elementary School
Theodore Herzl Elementary School
Charles N Holden Elementary School
Gurdon S Hubbard High School
Inter-American Elementary Magnet School
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Elementary School
Kate S Kellogg Elementary School
Charles Kozminski Elementary Community Academy
Arthur A Libby Elementary School
George B McClellan Elementary School
Louis Nettelhorst Elementary School
North River Elementary School
William J Onahan Elementary School
William Bishop Owen Scholastic Academy ES (K-8)
Park Manor Elementary School
Ambrose Plamondon Elementary School
George M Pullman Elementary School
Ravenswood Elementary School
Washington D Smyser Elementary School
Spencer Technology Academy (Pre-K-8)
Betty Shabazz – Sizemore campus
Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary School
Talman Elementary School
James N Thorp Elementary School
Velma F Thomas Early Childhood Center
Charles H Wacker Elementary School
James Ward Elementary School
Harold Washington Elementary School
Thomas J Waters Elementary School
Ella Flagg Young Elementary School

The 29 additional schools that will receive air conditioning by the end of October as a result of efficiencies in first phase are listed below:

Phillip D Armour Elementary School
Albert R Sabin Elementary Magnet School
Henry H Nash Elementary School
Washington High School
Sauganash Elementary School
Charles P Caldwell Academy of Math & Science ES
Edgebrook Elementary School
William E B Dubois Elementary School
James Hedges Elementary School
Brighton Park Elementary School
Franklin Elementary Fine Arts Center
Alcott High School for the Humanities
Foster Park Elementary School
Cesar E Chavez Multicultural Academic Center ES
Ernst Prussing Elementary School
Carl von Linne Elementary School
John Greenleaf Whittier Elementary School
Mark Sheridan Elementary Math & Science Academy
Rowe Elementary School
Alexander Hamilton Elementary School
Joshua D Kershaw Elementary School
Joseph Jungman Elementary School
Orville T Bright Elementary School
Richard J Oglesby Elementary School
Wolfgang A Mozart Elementary School
Frank W Reilly Elementary School
DeWitt Clinton Elementary School
Anna R. Langford Community Academy
Daniel Webster Elementary School

