Lucas Museum Site Selection Task Force Announces Public Hearing and Online Forum For Public Comment
Public Hearing At The Chicago Cultural Center And A New Website Will Provide Opportunities For All Residents To Provide Input In The Process Of Exploring A Potential Site For The Lucas Cultural Arts Museum
The Lucas Museum Site Selection Task Force designated by Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced multiple platforms for public input, including a public hearing and a website to accept comments. The public hearing will take place at the Chicago Cultural Center in Preston-Bradley Hall on April 23rd from 5:30 to 8:00 pm and is open for all to attend. In addition, the Task Force has launched a website with a comment submission form at
“Mayor Emanuel tasked us with ensuring the public had a voice in our deliberations to determine the best possible site for the Lucas Museum,” said task force co-chair Kurt Summers. “The public hearing and online forum will help us to consider all options to ensure the site is accessible to all Chicago neighborhoods, allows for educational programming and enhances public space.”
The Mayor appointed members of the Task Force who represent a cross-section of community and cultural leaders, local economic development practitioners, and urban planners. In addition, the Mayor requested that the Task Force facilitate for robust public input.
“I established the Lucas Museum Task Force to help in the process of exploring a potential site for the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum,” Mayor Emanuel said. “This public input process will assist the Task Force in determining a proper location for this unique institution that will be a local educational anchor and major international tourism draw.”
The Task Force was established by Mayor Emanuel to recommend the best potential location for the proposed Lucas Cultural Arts Museum, and to explore potential investments by the museum to enhance surrounding public space. The Mayor also directed the Task Force to propose a site that would be accessible to all Chicago communities, be of an adequate size to host a museum comparable to other major cultural institutions in the city, maximize the potential to provide educational opportunities to youth, and not require taxpayer dollars. The Task Force is expected to make recommendations by mid-May.