Ethics Pledge

On May 16, 2011, Mayor Emanuel enacted Executive Order 2011-1. It requires Shakman-exempt employees of Executive Departments, department heads, non-clerical employees of the Mayor's Office, and persons appointed by the Mayor to City boards, commissions, authorities or agencies on or after May 16, 2011, to sign an Ethics Pledge. On July 28, 2011, this requirement was enacted into law by the City Council, as Section 2-156-015 of the Governmental Ethics Ordinance (effective September 8, 2011). The law requires new hires or appointees to sign the pledge within 14 days of starting their employment or appointments.  The pledge obligates signers to abide by a ban on lobbying activity for two years after their City service ends. The Board of Ethics maintains these signed pledges. As a convenience, we are pleased to attach a list of persons who have signed this pledge. This list is sortable by name and department.

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