Mass Torts and Complex Litigation

The Mass Torts & Complex Litigation Division evaluates and responds to lawsuits involving allegations that arise out of the same or similar facts that have the potential for high exposure to the City of Chicago. These matters require analysis in consideration with one another to ensure consistency in the City’s litigation strategy, which includes identifying ways to proactively minimize the City’s exposure in such cases.

The Division works closely with other litigation divisions within the Department of Law to consider how the Department’s litigation strategies impact the City’s potential for exposure. Where the City faces high exposure, the Division works to ensure that a coordinated litigation plan is developed across divisions that utilizes the City’s resources efficiently and effectively for its best defense. In identifying matters as mass torts, the Division also works closely with the Department’s Risk Management team and other City Departments endeavoring to identify areas where additional training and potential policy revisions can assist the City in avoiding similar future risk.