Administrative Hearings to Receive Continuances

March 16, 2020

No Adverse Action Will Be Taken for Not Appearing    312.744.1575

The Department of Law today announced that the Department of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) will not take any adverse action against Respondents who do not appear on their assigned court dates, effective immediately and until further notice, by order of the Chief Administrative Law Judge. 

Continuance orders with new court dates will be mailed to Respondents, who are encouraged not to travel to the hearing locations, which are located throughout the city. 

Cases involving preliminary hearings for vehicle impoundment/towed vehicles and vacant property will continue to be heard in person. 

Respondents who must file Motions to Set Aside previous defaults are directed to the DOAH website for online filing instructions at 

The Department of Administrative Hearings is an independent body that decides matters related to the public health, safety, welfare and economic well-being of the residents of the City of Chicago.