Belmont/Central TIF

Designation: 2000    Expiration: 2036

The Belmont/Central TIF district was created to help revitalize older properties along Central, Belmont and Fullerton avenues and to foster new development where appropriate. Characterized by narrow commercial buildings with limited off-street parking and second-floor residential uses, the corridors in many locations are underutilized due obsolete building styles and sizes. The 190-acre TIF is intended to help solve the various space needs of contemporary retailers by coordinating rehabilitation and new construction projects are viable locations. It's intended to promote shared parking facilities for use by workers, visitors and residents, and shared open spaces such as courtyards, outdoor eating areas, passive areas and other types of space. Additionally, TIF funds are targeted to help with institutional and residential investments within the community.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #1 (PDF)
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #2 (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)


Belmont/Central TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by Byron Street, Palmer Street on the south, Lamon Avenue on the east, and Meade Avenue on the west. 



IMI - Portage Park

Belmont-Cragin Elementary School

Supporting Information Facts