The Halsted Triangle Plan, adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in 2010 and updated in 2020, is intended to generally guide the implementation of future public and private projects within the Halsted Triangle and along the Clybourn Avenue corridor. In support of this general goal, the following objectives were defined during the workshop process:
- Promote connectivity between modes, between uses, and between the natural and built environments.
- Support and create opportunities for development that is compatible with and enhances the neighborhood.
- Promote and support non-residential uses along the river.
- Provide the opportunity for a continuous riverwalk and a connecting non-vehicular path system.
- Manage traffic congestion on primary streets in the study area by focusing on a multimodal transportation solution.
- Develop a parking strategy that supports neighborhood demand.
- Create pedestrian-friendly streetscapes that connect neighborhoods.
- Create strong connections to and from the riverwalk.
- Maintain current zoning and encourage development compatible with the adjacent Goose Island Planned Manufacturing District (PMD).
- Establish architectural guidelines to promote built form that is compatible with the neighborhood.
- Promote sustainable development practices.
- Develop a neighborhood way-finding system
Throughout the 2010s, there were several significant planning and transportation initiatives and land use changes that impacted the immediate area.
In early 2020, DPD central region planners drafted an update intended to summarize those initiatives and trends and to provide recommendations to guide future growth and to encourage a more vibrant and pedestrian-friendly experience. The update recommends allowing future developments to propose a mix of uses, including residential, east of Kingsbury Street.
The 2020 update includes the following revised objectives:
- Promote and support non-residential uses along the river, given existing intensity of industrial uses on the eastern side of Goose Island
- Develop a parking strategy that balances anticipated demand with minimizing traffic congestion
- Encourage development compatible with the adjacent Goose Island Planned Manufacturing District (PMD) in the buffer zone between the river and Kingsbury Street
- Promote design excellence consistent with urban design best practices and department policies

View the 2010 plan (.pdf)

View the 2020 update (.pdf)
As part of a public feedback effort, DPD, Ald. Walter Burnett (27th) and Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) co-hosted a community webinar on the update in spring 2020. Resources from that meeting are linked below.
Halsted Triangle Plan Community Webinar
6 p.m., Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Presentation | Video
The chapter update was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission at its August 2020 meeting.
All questions and comments on the plan can be directed to