Demolition Delay Hold List (2025)

Contact: 312.744.3200

Date Received: 03/18/2025
Address: 3244-3250 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Ward: 39th
Applicant: Builder Luxury, Inc. C/O Igor Michin

Owner: Builder Luxury, Inc. C/O Igor Michin
Permit Description: Partial demolition of an existing 1-story commercial building with a new 4-story addition.
Status: Released 03/27/2025 [Application for this address previously released on 04/15/2020 and 05/25/2023]

Date Received: 02/05/2025
Address: 6553 N. Oliphant Ave.
Ward: 41st
Applicant: MK Construction & Builders, Inc. C/O Marcin Kawa

Owner: MK Construction & Builders, Inc. C/O Marcin Kawa
Permit Description: Wreck and removal of a two-story frame residential building.
Status: Under Review

Date Received: 01/07/2025
Address: 4500 S. Michigan Ave.
Ward: 3rd
Applicant: James Kirk Irwin

Owner: JTM & Associates, LLC C/O Tracy Hughes, Manager
Permit Description: Removal and replacement of the fire-damaged roof framing, masonry work, window replacement, and other alterations.
Status: Under Review

Date Received: 01/02/2025
Address: 6708 N. Olympia Ave.
Ward: 41st
Applicant: Tir Conaill Concrete, Inc. C/O Charlotte McVeigh 

Owner: Newell Development, Inc. C/O Martin Newell
Permit Description: Wreck and removal of a 1.5 story masonry and frame residential building.
Status: Under Review