Chicago Architecture Biennial — Gerard & Kelly: Modern Living
September 16, 2017—January 7, 2018
City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower, 806 N. Michigan Ave.
City Gallery > Visual Art Program > Exhibitions > Past Exhibitions > City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower > Chicago Architecture Biennial: Make New History > Gerard & Kelly: Modern Living
The City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower will showcase the first two chapters of Gerard & Kelly’s Modern Living as an installation of two videos filmed on location at The Glass House and Schindler House. Alongside these videos will be an exhibition of James Welling’s colorized images documenting the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive Apartments, both by Mies van der Rohe and closely associated with the modern movement of the 1950s. Welling manipulates the imagery using a series of techniques borrowed from the experimental photography scene of the 1960s. The resulting layered, multiple-exposure images result in what Jesús Vassallo describes as a kind of “psychedelic Mies,” yielding unexpected and completely new works that defamiliarize, produce new readings and suggest future possibilities.
For more information on the Chicago Architecture Biennial, visit

Visit us:
Admission is FREE
Monday–Friday, 10am–7pm
Saturday–Sunday, 10am–5pm
(Closed Holidays)
Find us:
City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower
806 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611
Take CTA to the City Gallery