Bullying and Suicide Prevention

The Chicago Collaborative of Bullying and Suicide Prevention (CCBSP), is an initiative convened quarterly to raise awareness about local resources and preferred evidence-based interventions and offer training on prevention and intervention supports. Initiated in May of 2019, the CCBSP provides meaningful collaboration on the intersection of bullying and suicide prevention in Chicago.
In The News
Special Emphasis Report: Suicide
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, and is a growing public health problem, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and ethnicities. There is no single cause of suicide, as several factors may increase the risk for suicide. Suicide is preventable, and everyone can play a role. Read the full report on the IDPH website.
What is involved?
The Chicago Collaborative for Bullying and Suicide Prevention (CCBSP) provides meaningful collaboration on the intersection of Bullying and Suicide Prevention in Chicago. CCBSP meetings will include:
- Time for partners to get to network.
- Share information and provide professional development.
- Share resources, and work collaboratively on developing resources for Bullying and Suicide Prevention.
Collaborative in Action
The CCBSP Survey includes responses from organizations including Chicago Public Schools (CPS), Chicago Public Library, Central States SER, NAMI Chicago, Project: VISION, and Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA), and from community areas that include Loop, Little Village, Ravenswood, Chinatown and South Shore neighborhoods.
Programming Provided
According to the results, 8 out of 12 respondents report that they have programming for both Suicide and Bullying prevention whereas one organization focuses on Bullying prevention and the remaining three on Suicide prevention.
click the images below to view at full scale:
Programming Frequencies
Services Offered Frequencies
City Areas Served Frequencies
The Chicago Collaborative of Bullying and Suicide Prevention (CCBSP)
(Chicago Department of Public Health and Habilitative Systems, Inc.)
Habilitative Services, Inc. (HSI) holds the grant award for Bullying and Suicide Prevention that includes providing the infrastructure for CCBSP. HSI is a nationally-recognized human services agency that uses a continuum of care approach to provide much-needed programs to underserved populations and people living with an array of health and human service needs. Headquartered on the west-side of Chicago, HSI has offered supportive programs to Chicago’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable residents for over 40 years and provides services to over 7,000 people annually in the North Lawndale, West Garfield, Austin, and Englewood communities in Chicago.
The partnership between CDPH and HSI continues the work of the collaborative in leveraging partnerships to impact not only a community but across all of Chicago. Believing that many voices at the table will have the greatest influence in the spheres we work and operate in for bullying and suicide prevention.
Barbara Reeves
For over 21 years, Ms. Reeves has held various positions at Habilitative Systems, Inc., and has extensive experience working with the Juvenile Court System and Chicago Public School system within our catchment area.
Her role in CCBSP, Ms. Reeves provides prevention education by way of workshops, to students, parents, and families which encompasses aspects of mental, emotional, and behavioral health focusing on bullying and suicide prevention. Ms. Reeves believes that simply having a professional that is compassionate, that listens and that understands can often make all the difference.
Albert Sharp

Mr. Sharp has motivated and inspired individual youth throughout the troubled area within the city boundaries. As a prevention specialist Albert has worked closely with Juvenile Court, Board of Education, Homeless Youth, and many different gangs within the city of Chicago.
His experience includes providing workshops and trainings geared toward social awareness, empowerment, career development and educational enhancement to the students at the Chicago Public School System. Mr. Sharp works to develop relationships with the ignored and feared youth of our communities who are often in conflict and require assistance to overcome the negative influence of the streets. He brings this perspective to his work with Bullying and Suicide Prevention in the CCBSP collaborative.