Healthy Chicago Survey

What is the Healthy Chicago Survey?
The Healthy Chicago Survey (HCS) is an annual survey that was launched in 2014 by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) to better understand the health of Chicagoans.
Information from the HCS is used to:
- Identify health concerns for each community in Chicago
- Understand environmental, neighborhood and social factors associated with health
- Support the implementation of Healthy Chicago 2025 and to develop public health interventions and policies to address health inequities
The HCS collects information on a range of topics including: access to health services, civic engagement, chronic health conditions, diet, financial security, food security, mental health, neighborhood conditions, physical activity, safety, substance use, violence.
If you are looking for customized analysis of specific summary data from the Healthy Chicago Survey, please complete the Data Request and Data Feedback Form.