Food Code Rules Update
Proposed Revisions to Food Code Rules
CDPH is proposing revisions to the Food Code Rules. The Food Code Rules provide food establishments with best practices to protect the health of the public and guidance for conducting science-based inspections. On 7/1/2018 CDPH-Food Protection Program Sanitarians began enforcing the previously adopted sections of the 2017 FDA Food Code, with provisions that were applicable to the City of Chicago. Additional updates to the Chicago Food Code Rules became effective as of February 1, 2019. You may review the proposed Food Code Rules revisions here.
The newly proposed changes are to correct typos, add missing FDA Food Code sections, and add missing violation severity notations from the 2017 FDA Food Code. The Food Code Rules changes incorporated in this version include adding some of the Illinois State Laws,such as the Serve Kids Better legislation to provide healthy beverages in children’s meals. Rules were added due to Chapter 7-40-060 Ordinance changes related to dog-friendly taverns. Vaguely written rules were rewritten to be more specific. These rules will codify the standards for inspection results of pass, pass with conditions and fail.
The recently released FDA 2022 Food Code changes have not been added to this version as they have not yet been officially adopted by the State.