
Chicago continues to work toward creating resilient and sustainable communities across the city. Joining 96 cities around the world, the City of Chicago will update its Climate Action Plan to reflect the bold action needed to protect and strengthen communities- locally and globally. The updated climate goals will be designed to reduce carbon emissions while also increasing household savings, advancing environmental justice, and improving community health.

With historic investments coming in 2022, Chicago is ready to strengthen partnerships and programs across the city to expand access to green space, reduce carbon emissions, and connect residents to meaningful resources and services. Join the conversation by attending a virtual town hall or by sharing what you’d like to see in your neighborhood.

Chicago's new climate goals set a course to reduce the city's carbons emissions 62% by 2040. Anchored in values of economic inclusion and savings, pollution burden reduction, and equitable access to critical infrastructure and community health and resilience, the 2022 CAP prioritizes delivering meaningful community benefits and system improvements as the City continues to lead on climate.

Climate Action Co-Benefits

Improve Community Health
Improve Community Health

Initiatives that prioritize resilience, reduced pollution burdens, healthy air quality, and a just economic transition to 100% renewable energy for front-line communities are prioritized when using a Community Health lens. 

Increase Household Savings
Increase Household Savings

Initiatives that prioritize monetary savings for individual households, particularly over-burdened populations are prioritized when using a Household Savings lens.

Advance Environmental Justice
Advance Environmental Justice

Initiatives that prioritize front-line communities, address cumulative environmental burdens, and ensure a just transition to 100% renewable energy are prioritized when using an Environmental Justice lens. 

Reduce Carbon Emissions
Reduce Carbon Emissions

Initiatives that will reduce the City’s carbon emissions are prioritized when using a Carbon lens.