Supporting Information
Chicago Shovels
This page contains information about the Plow Tracker, Winter Apps and Snow Parking Restrictions.
Clean & Green
Check out the details on the City's Annual clean & Green Day of Service.
Common Towing Questions
A list of common towing questions.
Emerald Ash Borer Supplemental Information
Information on the Emerald Ash Borer and important links.
File a FOIA Request
The mission of the Department of Streets and Sanitation is to provide a safe and healthy environment on the streets and alleys of Chicago through the effective management of the collection, recycling or disposal of residential refuse, the sweeping and plowing of streets, the timely removal or treatment of graffiti, cleaning of vacant lots, demolition of garages, the efficient towing of illegally parked vehicles, the enforcement of sanitation ordinances, abatement of rodents and the planting, trimming and removal of trees of which the finished product meets or exceeds industry standards and best practices
Plow Tracker
During snow storms, this Plow Tracker map will show real-time locations of city plows and salt spreaders. Residents can watch as snow clearing efforts start with the major streets then move to neighborhood streets to keep Chicago moving.
Winter Apps
Here you will find winter websites or apps developed by people in Chicago's vibrant technology community.