2025 Budget Opening Statements
- 03- OIG- Inspector General's Office
- 05 - OBM - Office of Budget and Management
- 06 - DTI - Department of Innovation & Technology
- 21 - DOH - Department of Housing
- 23 - DCASE - Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events
- 25 - OCC - Office of the City Clerk
- 27 - DOF - Department of Finance & CFO
- 28 - CTO - City Treasurer's Office
- 30 - DOAH - Department of Administrative Hearings
- 31 - DOL - Department of Law
- 33 - DHR - Depatment of Human Resources
- 35 - DPS - Department of Procurement Services
- 38 - 2FM - Fleet & Facility Management
- 39 - BOEC - Board of Elections Commissioners
- 41 - CDPH - Chicago Department of Health
- 45 - CCHR - Commission on Human Relations
- 48 - MOPD - Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
- 50-DFSS- Department of Family & Support Services
- 51- OPSA- Office of Public Safety and Administration
- 54 - DPD - Department of Planning & Development
- 55- Police Board
- 57 - CPD - Chicago Police Department
- 58 - OEMC - Office of Emergency Management and Communications
- 59- CFD- Chicago Fire Department
- 60- COPA - Civilian Office of Police Accountability
- 62- CCSPA- Community Commission for Public Safety Accountability
- 67 - DOB - Department of Buildings
- 70 - BACP - Business Affairs & Consumer Protection
- 72 - DOE - Department of Environment
- 73 - ACC - Animal Care & Control
- 77 - LAC - License Appeal Commission
- 78- BOE - Board of Ethics
- 81 - DSS - Department of Streets & Sanitation
- 84 - CDOT - Chicago Department of Transportation
- 85 - CDA - Chicago Department of Aviation
- 88 - DWM - Department of Water Management
- 91 - CPL - Chicago Public Library