June 24, 2024

Mayor Brandon Johnson Issues Proclamation for “Chicago Workers’ Rights Week” to Raise Awareness Around July 1 Labor Law Changes

Mayor Johnson will attend a series of labor events to bring attention to the new policies that will go into effect July 1, including the increased minimum wage, the beginning of the phase-out of the sub-minimum wage, and the new Paid Time Off policy.

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

CHICAGO – This morning, Mayor Brandon Johnson issued a proclamation declaring this work week, June 24-28, “‘Chicago Workers’ Rights Week” to bring attention to upcoming labor law changes. An increased minimum wage, the first increase in the sub-minimum wage, and a new City of Chicago Paid Time Off policy will all go into effect on Monday, July 1.  

“Working people need to know their new rights. On July 1, we are taking the first step towards a Chicago that treats its workers with the respect and dignity that they deserve,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “All workers deserve to make at least the minimum wage and workers should not have to choose between their lives and their livelihoods. These historic changes will further make Chicago the best place to work in the country and a city that uplifts its workers and working families.”  

Mayor Johnson will attend a panel discussion on Tuesday, June 25 with the Raise the Floor Alliance and a labor trainee event with LiUNA Laborers’ Local 1001 on Wednesday, June 26, to continue to raise awareness about these important changes. 

“The mayor’s Paid Time Off policy and the One Fair Wage ordinance are common-sense and long overdue steps forward for working people,” said Deputy Mayor of Labor Relations Bridget Early. “Chicago has long been a leader in worker’s rights, and under Mayor Johnson, we will continue to implement policies that guarantee the safety and well-being of all workers. I look forward to working with labor unions, worker organizations, and City officials to ensure every worker in our city is aware of their workplace rights and protections.” 

Every July 1, Chicago’s minimum wage increases per the Minimum Wage Ordinance. Beginning July 1, 2024:  

  • The minimum wage will be $16.20.    

  • The minimum wage for subsidized youth employment programs, and subsidized transitional employment programs will be $15.   

  • The minimum wage will no longer be tiered for large and small businesses.     

Since reaching $15 per hour in 2021, the minimum wage increases annually according to changes to the Consumer Price Index or 2.5%, whichever is lower.  

Under the Johnson Administration, the historic One Fair Wage Ordinance was passed by the Chicago City Council in October of 2023, phasing out the subminimum wage for tipped workers over a five-year period. This legislation will provide for the wages of tipped workers such as restaurant servers, bartenders, bussers, and runners who earn a subminimum wage of $11.02 per hour to increase by 8 percent per year until it reaches parity with Chicago’s standard hourly minimum wage on July 1, 2028. 

The Chicago City Council passed the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance (Paid Time Off policy) on November 9, 2023. This ordinance guarantees up to five days of paid vacation time and five days of paid sick time for all Chicago workers who work at least 80 hours within any 120-day period – doubling the number of guaranteed paid time off for Chicago’s workers.  

To view informational fliers, Frequently Asked Questions, and public notices on Chicago’s labor laws, visit Chicago.gov/Labor Standards. The proclamation can be found below.  

 Labor Standard Proclamation
