August 1, 2024

Mayor Brandon Johnson Announces the Release of the 2024 ARPA Recovery Plan Annual Report

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

CHICAGO – The Chicago recovery efforts, under the leadership of Mayor Brandon Johnson and his administration, are yielding significant progress according to the latest 2024 Road to Recovery Plan Performance Report outlining the transformative use of $1.887 billion in federal funds aimed at uplifting the City’s most vulnerable communities.

“Our commitment to the people of Chicago is unwavering. By leveraging these federal funds strategically, we aim to build a stronger, more equitable City, and I am proud of all the progress we have made,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said. “This collaborative and comprehensive report reinforces that every investment we make is a step towards rectifying past disinvestments and ensuring that every resident has the opportunity to thrive.”

Mayor Johnson released the detailed document highlighting the progress achieved during the first full year of his Administration’s oversight of the City's strategic use of $1.887 billion in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan focuses on investments made across the following six Policy Pillars and are designed to ensure the City adopts a comprehensive and equitable approach to recovery efforts:

  • Youth & Economy
  • Community Safety
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Housing & Homelessness Supports
  • Human Rights, Arts & Culture
  • Effective Governance

The report demonstrates the significant progress the Johnson Administration has made in deploying COVID-19 relief dollars. In April 2024, the Administration launched the Road to Recovery Plan, which ensures the one-time funds made available by ARPA are spent directly in Chicago’s communities. Per the City’s July reporting to the U.S. Department of Treasury, the City has obligated 90 percent and expended 83 percent of its $1.887 billion SLFRF grant. Of the $576 million allocated to community initiatives, this progress marks a 29 percent increase in total obligations and a 24 percent increase in total expenditures since the July 2023 reporting period. The Johnson Administration has demonstrated a focused effort on bolstering capacity and making tangible progress in ARPA community programming.

“Through the ARPA Road to Recovery Plan, we are ensuring that every dollar is used to maximize community impact. This one-time funding is a unique opportunity to address long-standing issues and create sustainable change,” Budget Director Annette Guzman said. “As we move forward, our focus is on ensuring every dollar is spent effectively, that the results of that spending are shared transparently with the public, and that no dollar has to be returned to the federal government due to underspending.”

Key highlights from the full report include:

Youth & Economy: The City is prioritizing youth-centered programs to create equitable opportunities for social and economic mobility. Initiatives include the Chicago Empowerment Fund, a $64 million initiative which will provide direct cash assistance to an estimated total of 10,000 households, and the Youth Opportunity Programs, has invested over $66 million in youth employment and leadership development opportunities.

Community Safety: A $23 million investment in violence interruption and reduction efforts through the Community Violence Intervention program focuses on the communities most affected by violence, aiming to create lasting positive relationships and safer neighborhoods.

Mental Health & Wellness: The City’s $20 million investment in the Mental Health Equity Initiative will expand trauma-informed, mental health services to those residents seeking support. The reopening of three mental health clinics on the West, Southwest and South sides of Chicago, in traditionally marginalized communities, will allow access to more residents and assist in meeting the ever-expanding need.

Housing & Homelessness Supports: The City is directing significant resources to support housing stability and homelessness prevention, aligning with broader goals of equitable development and neighborhood investment. Programs include the Rapid Rehousing Program, a $32 million initiative which supports households to rapidly move from a shelter or the street to their own housing unit with wraparound supportive services.

Human Rights, Arts & Culture: Investments in arts and culture are recognized as essential to community well-being, providing social, educational and economic benefits. The Artist Relief and Works Fund is an $11 million investment that targets relief for individual artists and cultural organizations not eligible for other relief programs.

Effective Governance: The Johnson Administration emphasizes transparency and community engagement, launching monthly City Council reports and a public-facing dashboard set to go live in fall 2024. By allocating funding to support essential government services, the City has been able to continue to provide much needed public health and public safety services to Chicago residents during and post-pandemic.

“The City of Chicago's strategic use of SLFRF dollars is a testament to our commitment to equitable recovery. By addressing the most urgent needs of our communities, we are setting the foundation for a brighter future,” Chief Operating Officer John Roberson said. “Our approach is holistic, involving comprehensive evaluations and adjustments to ensure that every initiative has the potential for long-term sustainability. We see the work we have done with these ARPA funds as a foundation for more effective grants management Citywide.”

For more information on the 2024 ARPA Recovery Plan Performance Report and to view the full document, please visit
