Campaign Contribution Restrictions - List of Contractors

Section 2-156-445 of the City’s Governmental Ethics Ordinance limits political contributions by anyone who has done business during the preceding four calendar years or is seeking to do business with the City of Chicago, Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago Board of Education, Chicago Park District, Chicago City Colleges, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Public Building Commission, or Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority. In order to facilitate compliance for potential donors, candidates, and candidates’ political staff, the City compiles and makes publicly available information on contractors who have done business with each of the Agencies listed above.

List to the best available information for each Agency is provided below:


Note: §2-156-520(b) of the Ethics Ordinance provides that any person who solicits or accepts a political contribution who reasonably relies on these lists is not in violation of the Ordinance if the purported violation is related to the identity of any contributor.

Political / Campaign Contribution Information

For further information regarding the Governmental Ethics Ordinance and its requirements, please contact the Board of Ethics at 312.744.9660.