Legal Counsel
Legal Counsel
The division attorneys provide legal assistance for drafting legislation at the request of the Mayor’s Office, City Departments, and Aldermen.
City of Chicago Legislation
Division attorneys draft City legislation at the request of the Mayor’s Office, City Departments, and Aldermen.
Legal Opinions
Division attorneys research and prepare legal opinions at the request of the Mayor’s Office, City Departments, and Aldermen.
State Legislation
Division attorneys monitor the State legislature, and review, analyze, edit and draft state legislation.
Legal/Legislative Consultation
On a daily basis, Division attorneys answer a variety of questions from the Mayor’s Office, City Departments, Aldermen and others in the Law Department. Topics include substantive and procedural legal issues and explanations and clarifications on previously implemented laws.
Committee Testimony
Division attorneys routinely testify in committee hearings as to legislation they have prepared or analyzed.
City Council Liaison
The Division Deputy organizes legislation to be introduced into the City Council, serving as a liaison to the sponsor, keeping track of items going forward and items removed from the agenda, and preparing materials (for example, Mayoral transmittal letters) that accompany the legislation. During the City Council meeting itself, the Deputy is available to provide information on rules and parliamentary procedure, provide the Aldermen with requested materials and otherwise assist as needed.
Preparation of Ceremonial Resolutions
Division attorneys and staff prepare ceremonial resolutions for presentation at City Council meetings.