Legal Information & Prosecutions

Legal Information

Legal Information attorneys provide advice and training to City Departments concerning retention of public records under the Local Records Act and responding to requests received pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. In addition, they represent the City on FOIA appeals filed with the Public Access Counselor at the Illinois Attorney General's Office and in FOIA litigation filed in Circuit Court and the First District Appellate Court.

Additionally, Legal Information attorneys are immersed in electronic discovery issues, track and respond to preservation requests received by the City and issue legal holds on electronic public records. They also are responsible for locating documents, preparing appropriate responses, arguing motions to quash, requesting in camera review and protective orders before certain items are turned over, and defending motions to show cause for failure to produce records on subpoenas received by City Departments involving litigation in which the City is not a party. Court appearances on these cases occur in courtrooms throughout the county. 

Legal Information attorneys work as liaisons with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, Illinois Attorney General’s Office and Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to oversee document production requests made pursuant to a criminal or OIG investigation. Legal Information attorneys also provide representation to City personnel who are non-targets subpoenaed as witnesses on behalf of the prosecution or defense in criminal trials in federal and state court. 

Legal Information & Prosecutions Division attorneys also prosecute violations under the Chicago Municipal Code.