Sustainable Development Policy Handbook (2017)

The Sustainable Development Policy (2017) handbook describes the sustainable strategies and menu items that development projects can choose to achieve compliance:
100 points for new construction; 50 points for extensive rehabilitation; 25 points for moderate rehabilitation.
Arranged by category below, the handbook provides
- A definition of each sustainable strategy
- A description of the documentation required to verify compliance
- Links to more information about the strategies, where appropriate
Projects can choose multiple menu items, including a third-party certification provider, to achieve the required total. See the SDP spreadsheet for additional point total information.
1.1 WELL Building Standard
The WELL Building Standard™ is an evidence-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring the performance of building features that impact health and well-being. WELL is administered by the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI), a public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health and well-being through the built environment.
A project can achieve 40 points through the system.
Compliance Documentation: WELL precertification award or proof of registration and checklist of targeted WELL features.
For more information:
2.1 Design to earn the Energy Star
The U.S. EPA's Energy Star program has developed energy performance rating systems for more than 80 building types. The ratings, on a scale of 1 to 100, provide a means for benchmarking the energy efficiency of specific building types against the energy performance of similar facilities. A score of 75 or higher is required to earn the ENERGY STAR recognition. Once built, these buildings will use, on average, 35 percent less energy than comparable buildings nationwide.
A project can earn 30 points through the program.
Compliance Documentation: A Statement of Energy Design Intent (SEDI). The SEDI is a two-page summary in PDF format of the design energy inputs and results data that can be generated using either Portfolio Manager or Target Finder. A score of 75 or higher is required to achieve Energy Star and meet the requirements of the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy.
For more information:
Multi-family residential projects:
Commercial Buildings and Plants:
EUI definition:
2.2 – 2.5 Exceed Energy Code by 5%-40%
This strategy involves exceeding the baseline model currently required in the Chicago Energy Transformation Code by a minimum of 5%. Additional points will be provided according to how much the project exceeds the current code requirements. The points associated with this strategy are cumulative so a project can only choose one based on how much it is exceeding the code requirements.
A project can earn 20 to 50 points by exceeding code requirements.
Compliance Documentation: A signed and stamped letter from the project’s architect or mechanical engineer pledging the project will exceed the requirements of the Chicago Energy Transformation Code by a specified amount. Also, a project must submit either a COMcheck certificate report or an ASHRAE Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance Form to verify how the project will exceed the code:
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2.6-2.7 Onsite Renewable Energy
Onsite renewable energy includes solar power, geothermal power, wind power or combined heat and power (CHP). A project must provide onsite renewable energy capacity to meet at least 3% of the total modeled energy use for the project at full occupancy. Additional points can be achieved according to how much capacity is provided. The points associated with this strategy are cumulative based on how much onsite renewable energy capacity is being provided.
A project can earn 10 or 20 points through onsite renewable energy.
Compliance Documentation: Energy model documentation that shows the percentage of the project’s total modeled energy use at full occupancy that is being provided by onsite renewable energy systems.
For more information:
Learn more about the City of Chicago Stormwater Management requirements from the Department of Water Management,
3.1 Exceed Stormwater Ordinance by 25%
3.1 Exceed Stormwater Ordinance by 25%
The stormwater management plan must provide storage for 125% of the volume required by both the Rate Control and Volume Control components of the City of Chicago’s Stormwater Ordinance.
A project can earn 10 points by exceeding the code by 25%.
Rate Control: The required Rate Control volume is calculated in the typical manner. Storage must be provided for 125% of the required volume. The release rate must be reduced in order to completely fill the volume provided.
Volume Control: The required Volume Control volume is calculated in the typical manner. Storage must be provided for 125% of the required volume. This strategy does not apply when the Volume Control requirement is met through a 15% impervious area reduction.
The project must be a regulated development under the Stormwater Ordinance.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan ithat includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
3.2 Exceed Stormwater Ordinance by 50%
The stormwater management plan must provide storage for 150% of the volume required by both the Rate Control and Volume Control components of the City of Chicago’s Stormwater Ordinance.
A project can earn 20 points by exceeding the code by 50%.
Rate Control: The required Rate Control volume is calculated in the typical manner. Storage must be provided for 150% of this require volume. The release rate must be reduced in order to completely fill the volume provided.
Volume Control: The required Volume Control volume is calculated in the typical manner. Storage must be provided for 150% of this required volume. This strategy does not apply when the Volume Control requirement is met through a 15% impervious area reduction.
The project must be a regulated development under the Stormwater Ordinance.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan that includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
3.3 100% Stormwater Infiltration
The stormwater management plan must discharge 100% of the stormwater into the ground through infiltration or by a combination of infiltration and stormwater capture and re-use. Geotechnical investigation including soil borings and infiltration testing will be required to confirm the presence of sandy soil on the site and establish an adequate infiltration rate. No stormwater discharge to the combined sewer system. Waters or adjacent property are allowed for any storm less than a 100-year critical duration storm. The project must be a regulated development under the Stormwater Ordinance.
A project can earn 40 points by exceeding the code by 100%.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan that includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
3.4 Sump Pump Capture & Re-use
The stormwater management plan must indicate that all sump pumps will be discharged to an infiltration BMP, a stormwater capture and re-use facility or the detention system.
A project can earn 5 points through sump pump recapture.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan that includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
3.5 100-year Detention for Lot-to-lot Building
For a lot-to-lot building, provide detention (Rate Control) for the 100-year storm instead of the 10-year storm. A lot-to-lot building is defined as a building with 85% or more lot coverage. The project must be a regulated development under the Stormwater Ordinance.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan that includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
3.6 100-year Detention for Bypass
For sites with significant off-site tributary flow, provide detention (Rate Control) for the 100-year storm instead of the 25-year storm. The project must be a regulated development under the Stormwater Ordinance.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A complete stormwater management plan that includes final engineering plans and calculations, plus a narrative that describes which strategy is proposed to meet the Sustainable Development Policy with a description of how the requirements of the strategy are achieved.
4.1 Working Landscapes
At-grade landscaped areas must meet two of the following three criteria for a minimum of 5 years.
- 60% of the species types must be native (straight species or cultivars)
- The landscape plan must provide at least 3 of the following plant structure types: trees, shrub, forbs or graminoides, excluding turf grass
- 40% of the landscaped area must be dedicated to the production of food for landscaped areas larger than 500 square feet
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A landscape plan detailing how the criteria have been met.
4.2 Natural Landscapes
Natural features provide many ecological functions and services as well as shoreline stabilization. Projects must restore or replicate a nature feature along at least 25% of the shoreline or no less than 50 feet.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A landscape plan detailing how the criteria have been met.
4.3 Tree Planting
The average lifespan of a parkway tree in Chicago is 10 to 15 years. Providing more soil volume will extend the life and the canopy of a tree. Projects must provide a minimum of 500 cubic feet of soil volume per tree, with a minimum depth of 2.5 feet. When planted together, trees can share soil volumes and overlap up to 33% with each tree having a minimum soil volume of 300 cubic feet.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A landscape plan detailing how the criteria have been met.
For more information:
4.4 Achieve Sustainable SITES Certification
SITES is the culmination of years of research and development by leading professionals in the fields of soil, water, vegetation, materials and human health. By providing performance measures rather than prescribing practices, SITES supports the unique conditions of each site, encouraging project teams to be flexible and creative as they develop beautiful, functional and regenerative landscapes. SITES-certified landscapes help reduce water demand, filter and reduce stormwater runoff, provide wildlife habitat, reduce energy consumption, improve air quality, improve human health and increase outdoor recreation opportunities.
A project can earn 20 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A sealed letter from the landscape architect of record stating they will achieve certification and a scorecard detailing the credits that will be pursued.
For more information:
5.1 and 5.2 Green Roof 50-100%
A green roof is a conventional roof that is covered with a layer of vegetation. There are multiple benefits to green roofs. Green roofs absorb stormwater that would otherwise drain into the City’s overburdened combined sewer system, they lower urban temperatures thereby helping to reduce the City’s urban heat island effect, they supply habitat for wildlife, they provide additional insulation and they lengthen the life of the roof’s membrane.
A project can earn 10 points if 50-100% of the building’s net roof area is covered with vegetation. It can achieve 20 points by covering 100% of the net roof area. Net roof area is defined as the gross roof square footage area minus the square footage of area used for mechanicals, maintenance pathways, window washing systems, swimming pools and skylights. Up to 10% of the required green roof square footage can be hardscape if the roof is to be used by the tenants of the building.
An additional 10 points can be achieved if the project’s green roof includes one of the following characteristics.
• The green roof growing media is at least 6 inches deep.
• The plant list chosen for the green roof contains plants from at least 30 genera.
Compliance Documentation: A roof plan illustrating where the vegetation will be located. The exhibit must include a table documenting the project’s gross roof area; area being subtracted from the gross roof area; net roof area; area being used as hardscape, where appropriate and a plant list. All projects earning points for a green roof must also supply a copy of a maintenance agreement/contract for the green roof for a minimum of two years.
For more information:
6.1 and 6.2 Indoor Water Use Reduction
Indoor water usage in new buildings and buildings undergoing major renovations as part of the project must be an average 25% less than in baseline buildings. The baseline usage is based on the requirements of the United States Energy Policy Act of 1992 and subsequent rulings by the Department of Energy, the requirements of the United States Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the fixture performance standards in the 2006 editions of the Uniform Plumbing Code or International Plumbing Code as to fixture performance.
Calculations are based on estimated occupant usage and include only the following fixtures and fixture fittings (as applicable to the project scope): water closets (toilets), urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, kitchen sink faucets, and prerinse spray valves. The water efficiency threshold is calculated as a weighted average of water usage for the buildings constructed as part of the project based on their conditioned area.
A project can earn 10 points for a 25% reduction and 20 points for a 40% reduction.
Compliance Documentation: A stamped letter from the project’s architect or general contractor committing to compliance with the LEED Credit WE2 and reaching the required reduction of indoor water use.
For more information:
7.1 Proximity to Transit Service
Mixed-use developments near transit stations expand access to transit, bring new amenities to neighborhoods, and foster economic growth across the city.
A project can earn 5 points if located in an area defined in Section 17-10-0102-B of the Chicago Municipal Code.
Compliance Documentation: A map verifying the distance from the project’s property line to the door of the transit station that is approved by the Zoning Administrator.
For more information:
7.2 Bikeshare Sponsorship
The location for financial sponsorship of a bikeshare docking station must be reviewed and approved by the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT).
A project can earn 5 points if it provides financial sponsorship.
Compliance Documentation: A signed, bikeshare docking station sponsorship agreement between the property manager and the City of Chicago must be provided.
7.3 Bike Parking Residential
Residential bike parking must provide at least one secure, indoor bicycle parking space for each residential unit.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A project floor/site plan that verifies the number of secure, indoor bicycle parking spaces.
7.4 Bike Parking Commercial and Industrial
Commercial parking must provide at least two secure, indoor or outdoor bicycle parking spaces for every five automobile parking spaces.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: The required number of secure bicycle parking spaces must be verified on the appropriate project floor/site plan.
7.5 EV Charging Stations
A dual Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Station must be installed within the project’s site area.
A project can earn 10 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A description of the station must be provided and the station’s location must be verified on the appropriate site plan.
For more information:
7.6 EV Charger Readiness
Charger readiness must provide panel capacity and dedicated conduit for 208-240V at up to 80 Amps or enough electrical capacity to fully power a Level 2 Electric Vehicle charger for at least 20% of the total parking spaces.
The project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: Plans that include location(s) and type of the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), raceway method(s), wiring schematics and electrical calculations to verify that the electrical system has sufficient capacity to charge simultaneously all the electrical vehicles at all designated EV charging spaces at their full rated amperage. Plan design shall be based upon Level 2 EVSE at its maximum operating capacity. Conduit pathways must be identified in construction drawings.
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7.7 CTA Digital Display
A project must provide a readily-visible, digital display of CTA train and bus arrival times in the main lobby and/or at appropriate building exits. They can also be located to be visible from the sidewalk through a window.
A project can earn 5 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: Plans that identify the location and description of the digital display.
8.1 80% Waste Diversion
A project must recycle or reuse more than 80% of the construction and demolition debris produced on site as part of the project’s construction or demolition activities.
A project can earn 10 points through this strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A signed letter from the general contractor committing to recycling or reusing at least 80% of the project’s construction and demolition debris. This must be followed up with a completed City of Chicago Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Compliance Form verifying at least 80% of the projects construction or demolition waste was recycled or reused.
For more information:
8.2 Workforce Development
Conscious workforce development is achieved when nodes of economic development are intentional about sourcing candidates from a jobseeker pool that is lesser advantaged and defined as of minority status, of veteran status, with household incomes below the poverty line, affected by homelessness, or affected by the justice system.
Option 1: Qualified Sourcing
A project can earn 10 points if it enters into an operating agreement with a non-profit organization sourcing candidates from the target population and commits to hiring no less than 5% of the workforce created through the project from said population with a potential for long-term employment. Given variables in hiring, the sourcing partner or partners must be prepared to source ample candidates to ensure the best talent match.
Compliance Documentation: Signed MOU with an organization(s) serving the target population articulating their commitment to source candidates and applicant’s commitment to hire. Total commitments to hire must amount to no less than 5% of the workforce created by the project.
Option 2: Strategic Contracting
A project can earn 10 points if it enters into a contract for hire or contract for services with a non-profit or for-profit or hybrid-profit corporation (often called a “social enterprise”), for whom at least 75% of the workforce is of the target population. Depending on the scope of the project, typical social enterprises that may apply are those that offer contract staffing, or those that offer basic general labor with the potential for long-term employment.
Compliance Documentation: Signed contract with a social enterprise where scope of work constitutes no less than 5% of the total workforce created by the project, and inventory of workforce at the time of contract signing to demonstrably prove that the workforce fits the target population.
For more information:
9.1 Bird Protection (Basic)
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors collects data on bird collisions from around the Chicago area. Through empirical observation, they have developed a set of criteria common to buildings that experience a high number of migratory bird and insect collisions. These items either aim to minimize collisions or increase the likelihood of survival after a non-fatal collision. Additionally, the lighting criteria listed seeks to reduce the impact of light pollution on nocturnal migrating animals.
A project can earn 5 points through a basic bird protection strategy.
Compliance Documentation: All appropriate items on the “Bird Safe Buildings: Best Practices Checklist.”
For more information:
9.2 Bird Protection (Enhanced)
Collision with glass claims the lives of hundreds of millions of birds each year in the United States. Birds that have successfully flown thousands of miles on migration can die in seconds on a pane of glass; impacts kill fledglings before they can truly fly. Because glass is dangerous for strong, healthy, breeding adults, as well as sick or young birds, it can have a particularly serious impact on populations.
A project can earn 10 points through an enhanced bird protection strategy.
Compliance Documentation: A stamped letter from the project’s architect or general contractor committing to compliance with the Bird Collision Deterrence LEED pilot credit SSpc55. Note, a performance monitoring plan is not required unless needed for other certification purposes.
For more information:
Building Certification Programs
LEED for New Construction & Major Renovation (BD+C)
LEED works for all buildings—from homes to corporate headquarters—at all phases of development. Projects pursuing LEED certification earn points across several areas that address sustainability issues. Based on the number of points achieved, a project then receives one of four LEED rating levels: Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
A project can earn 80 to 95 points through LEED certification.
Compliance: Proof that the project is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council.
For more information:
Certification Overview:
Reference Guide:
Green Globes for New Construction (NC)
Green Globes® is a science-based building rating system that supports a wide range of new construction and existing building project types. Designed to allow building owners and managers to select which sustainability features best fit their building and occupants, Green Globes recognizes projects that meet at least 35% of the 1,000 available points.
A project can earn 70 to 90 points through Green Globes certification.
Compliance: Proof that the project is registered with the Green Building Initiative or provide a copy of the Green Globes Assessor Stage 1 Report.
For more information:
Living Building Challenge (LBC)
The Living Building Challenge is the world’s most rigorous proven performance standard for buildings. People from around the world use our regenerative design framework to create spaces that, like a flower, give more than they take. The Living Building Challenge is organized into seven performance areas (Petals). Each performance area has a number of more detailed requirements (Imperatives).
A project can earn 90 to 100 points through Living Building Challenge certification.
Compliance: Contact for compliance information.
For more information:
Certification Pathways & Overview:
Standard & Guide:
Enterprise Green Communities
Enterprise Green Communities projects bring improved health, economic and environmental benefits of sustainable construction practices to low-income families. This green building framework is the first in the nation to address the unique needs of the affordable housing sector by providing a holistic approach to green building and development.
A project can earn 80 points through Enterprise Green Communities certification.
Compliance: Contact for compliance information.
For more information:
Certification Process:
Criteria & Guidance:
Passive House (PHIUS+)
The PHIUS+ Certification program is the leading passive building certification program in North America. It's the only passive building certification that combines a thorough passive house design verification protocol with a stringent Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) program performed on site by highly skilled and specialized PHIUS+ Raters.
A project can earn 70 points through Passive House certification.
Compliance: Contact Bradley Roback at for compliance information.
For more information:
Certification Process: