Special Events Permit Application
DCASE Homepage > Special Events Permit Application
Notice Regarding DCASE Special Events Application
Please be advised that the DCASE Special Events Application is exclusively designated for festivals and athletic events. Marketing activations are NOT permitted on public rights of way. Should you wish to conduct a marketing activation and obtain the City's permission, it must be situated on private land.
Sidewalks and streets are strictly prohibited for marketing activities.
For those seeking to host activities, Chicago Park District properties are available for such purposes. We kindly ask that you reach out to them directly for further assistance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Online Special Events Permit Application
DCASE processes Special Events applications for outdoor festivals, street and art/craft fairs and athletic events.
Special Event Permits are subject to both the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois health and safety guidelines. All events must follow guidelines in place at the time of the event.
Applications must be completed in full with supporting attachments to prevent delays in processing. Contact SEPermits@cityofchicago.org with any questions.
Apply Online
(application works best in Google Chrome)
Special Event Permit Application Guide
Please review the Special Event Permit Application Guide for guidance.
ALL Outdoor events held in the City of Chicago must complete a DCASE Special Event Permit Application if ANY of the following apply- Will close City streets (street closures are not allowed for private events)
- Will sell/serve food on a public/private property (open to the public)
- Will sell/serve alcohol
- Will sell merchandise
- Have tent(s) larger than 20 ft. x 20 ft. (400 sq. ft.); OR
- Have stage(s) taller than 2 ft.
Bar Crawls must also complete an application if the event if ANY of the following apply
- Expects to exceed 500 participants
- Includes 5 or more stops/participating establishments OR
- Includes 3 or more stops/participating establishments on the same street block.
*You do NOT need a DCASE Special Event Permit for the following
- Outdoor Wedding/Reception
- Outdoor Private Event (Invitation Only Event) - (not open to the public)
- Block Parties (Contact Your Alderman)
- Parades/Processions (Contact CDOT)
- Rallies/Marches (Contact CDOT)
Chicago Department of Buildings 2 week rule
14A-4-405.6 Denial of permit.
On and after March 1, 2023, when a temporary structure requires both a building permit and an Outdoor Special Event Permit under Section 10-8-335 of the Municipal Code, the building official must deny the building permit if a substantially complete building permit application, including substantially complete construction documents, is not received by the building official at least 14 calendar days before the start of the event.
DCASE Processing Fee
The nonrefundable processing fee for a Special Event Permit Application starts at $100 if submitted more than 60 days before the start of the event. The fee increases if submitted closer to the event. Applications may be submitted up to 180 days prior to the event and must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the start of the event.
NEW Timeline
- $100 (60+ days prior to the event)
- $200 (59 - 45 days prior to the event)
- $500 (44 - 37 days prior to the event)
- $1,000 (36 - 29 days prior to the event)
- $2,000 (28 - 21 days prior to the event)
- Applications are not accepted less than 21 days prior to the event
- Processing fees are generated based on when the application is complete and ready for DCASE review
Events taking place on Chicago Park District property require an additional Park District Special Event Permit
Special Event Food Vendor Requirements Event Organizer's Checklist
Please follow this checklist so that the Special Events may be reviewed in a timely manner.
- One attachment per food vendor applicant. Include all food-related documents per business under one scan/attachment.
- Organizers must label their uploaded (PDF) documents.
- List all Food Vendors and Food Truck Vendors in the Vendors Information Page
Chicago Park District Permit Application
Any outdoor events held on Chicago Park property require a completed Chicago Park District Permit Application.
Street Closure Application
If you will be requiring a street closure please complete the
Expanded Outdoor Permits
Effective January 1, 2023, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be overseeing the Extended Outdoor Dinning (EOD) Program. For further information please email cdotpermitsupport@cityofchicago.org or visit the website.
Food Applications
Liquor Applications
Past Webinars
General Permit Application Discussion (English)
BACP/Health/State Liquor (English)
CPD/CFD/OEMC (90 minutes) (English)
General Permit Application Discussion (Spanish)
Department-focused (Buildings/Streets & Sanitation/CTA/Transportation) (English)
Outdoor & Athletic Special Event Permits Application Webinar (PDF)
DCASE Special Event Permitting 2024 (English)
"A Conversation with Tuba Smith, from C3" (English)
Get Set to Hit the Pavement! Strategize Your Ultimate Chicago Run! (English)
Special Events – Food Vendor Approval Requirements (English)
Questions? Email SEPermits@cityofchicago.org

Chicago Festival & Event Guide
Check out the Choose Chicago festival & event guide for a full list of events traditionally held each month in Chicago.
Festival organizers can submit an event to be included on the calendar by going to the Choose Chicago website.