Powerful Ways to Prevent Bullying
Being a friend, having a friend:
Every child has the right to be part of a family, a class, a school, and a community and to be accepted for who they are. This training presents important information to adults who may believe that bullying is a rite of passage or ‘normal’ for a child to experience- that it is a form of violence. Provides a framework for a school community or youth program to prevent, recognize and respond to bullying in a way that is consistent, fair and universal. There has been a lot of research done on bullying in recent years. One of the key findings has been that healthy friendships seem to discourage the more serious acts of bullying behavior. Being a friend and having a friend are powerful ways to prevent bullying.
- Provide a research-based, accessible, user-friendly education vehicle for early and education professionals and parents on the issue of bullying
- Provide technical assistance to child-serving systems in integrating bullying prevention into policy and existing curriculum
- Provide colorful research-based resource with activity ideas that build community