Environmental Permit Fees
Air Pollution Control Permit Fee
- $150/piece of equipment or area
Architectural Surface Cleaning
- $200/building or structure
Three Year Recycling Facility Permits
- Class I: $300/3 years
- Class II (less than 500 tons/day): $1,500/3 years
- Class II (from 500 to 1,000 tons/day): $2,250/3 years
- Class II (more than 1,000 tons/day): $3,000/3 years
- Class III: $3,000/3 years
- Class IV - A: $3,000/3 years
- Class IV - B: $3,000/3 years
- Class V: $4,500/3 years
Landfill Permits
- Less than 25 acres: $10,000/year
- 25-49 acres: $20,000/year
- 50-74 acres: $30,000/year
- 75 acres and up: $40,000/year
Liquid Waste Handling Facility Permits
- $15,000/year
Transfer Station Permits And Modified Transfer Station Permits
$0.22 per ton of waste disposed as computed using the Waste Facility Quarterly Computation Form*
*Please follow the instructions below for downloading and opening this form.
- Right-click on the form link and then left-click on "Save link as..."
- In the Save As dialog box that appears, save the file to your computer. Note the directory where you saved the file.
- Run Adobe Acrobat Reader. In Reader, open the file you downloaded from the step above. If you do not have Reader, it can be downloaded for free here.
- Complete the form following the instructions contained therein.
Rock Crushing Facility Permits
- Up to 25 acres: $2,500/year
- 26-50 acres: $5,000/year
- More than 50 acres: $10,000/year
Temporary Rock Crusher Permits
- $750/month plus $0.50 per cubic yard surcharge fee
Underground Storage Tank Permits
- $200/activity
Above-Ground Storage Tank Permits
- $200/activity
Asbestos And Demolition Fees
- Residential, 4 units or less: $300
- Residential, more than 4 units: $450
- Industrial/Commercial: $600