Clinical Services

CDPH clinic interior

CDPH operates Immunization Clinics, Mental Health Centers, and STI Specialty clinics to provide a variety of primary and preventative care services to support underserved populations across Chicago. CDPH partners with community mental health providers and invests in local agencies to ensure all residents have access to mental health services. Our immunization clinics provide vaccinations at no cost for Chicago children up to 18 years of age who are uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid-insured, or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)-insured, and for Chicago adults who are uninsured or under-insured. CDPH STI specialty clinics diagnose and treat common sexually-transmitted infections and provide partner services as well. 

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CDPH Health Clinics

We have renamed our CDPH clinics! New names include both the neighborhood and the street name of the clinic/center. This change will make it easier for our clients to find us and better reflect the communities we serve. Review the full list below and click on each of the Service links for contact information and scheduling availability:

Austin West Division Street Health Clinic

Bronzeville East 43rd Street Health Clinic

Englewood West 63rd Street Health Clinic

Greater Lawn West 55th Street Health Clinic

Lakeview North Clark Street Sexual Health Clinic

Lawndale South Western Avenue Mental Health Center

North Park North Pulaski Mental Health Center

Uptown West Wilson Avenue Health Clinic

Westside South Kedzie WIC Clinic

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