Board of Health

Chicago River and downtown bridges

The Chicago Board of Health

The Chicago Board of Health advises the Mayor and the Commissioner of Public Health on all issues affecting the health of the residents of Chicago.

There will not be a January, 2025 Board of Health meeting. Please check back here for further updates regarding our next meeting. Thank you.

Membership And Organization

The board is made up of nine members, one of whom serves as president. The Mayor appoints the members with the approval of the City Council. City law requires that the board be diverse with respect to demographics, skill set, and professional background. The board also needs to have at least five members with a public health background, one member representing a federally qualified health center, and one member representing a hospital. A given board member could meet more than one of these requirements.

Terms Of Service

Members serve three-year, staggered terms. However, the mayor may remove a member and fill vacancies at any time.


The board meets from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. at 111 W Washington Street, Room 1212. However, the board is authorized to call meetings at other times. All meetings must adhere to the Open Meetings Act, which requires that the public be allowed to join and make comments. There must also be 48 hours public notice of the time and place of any meeting.