
Intro Pic - Office of the Environment

Office of Environmental Permitting & Inspection

CDPH's Office of Environmental Permitting & Inspection (OEPI) aims to protect public health and the environment throughout the city. This team is committed to and responsible for collecting and analyzing data to assess environmental health threats, enforcing regulations and ensuring accountability, and supporting the development of or updates to policies to protect the health and safety of all Chicagoans. This is done by:

  • Ensuring regulations and standards are widely known and communicating changes when applicable
  • Assessing compliance compared to the regulations and standards that have been established through progressively incremental actions, such as reviewing air monitoring results, conducting inspections, issuing violations and citations, and filing lawsuits
  • Reviewing and recommending updates to policies when appropriate
  • Partnering with other departments and agencies to continually ensure enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels

Top Pages

Find more in our full Environment Health Pages section 

Program Summaries

  • Air Quality Monitoring & Enforcement:
  • Environmental Justice Action Plan:
  • Environmental Permitting & Inspection:
  • Heat Preparedness:

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Environmental Health Pages

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