Required Reporting for Exterior Walls of High Rise Buildings

An example of masonry that is in danger of falling.

The Exterior Wall Program, as explained in the ordinance, requires the following criteria:

  • Short forms are due by November 1st. Critical exams are due by December 1st.
  • Two copies of the form (short or critical), each with an original architect or structural engineer stamp or seal and the validated receipt.

The report filing fee must be paid at a City of Chicago Department of Finance payment center before the reports are submitted. You must print and complete a copy of the Point of Service Invoice (link below) and present it to the cashier.  A copy of the validated invoice and receipt must then be submitted to the Department of Buildings office at 2045 W. Washington with the two original copies of the report.

Mail or deliver reports and proof of payment to:

Department of Buildings
Exterior Wall Program

Attn: Allison Sullivan
2045 W. Washington Blvd. (address effective 8/3/2015)
Chicago, IL 60612

For any questions, please e-mail Allison Sullivan at