Plumbing Materials Pilot Program and Proposed Plumbing Code Amendments

September 15, 2021

The City of Chicago remains committed to modernizing the Chicago Construction Codes. After multiple extensions, the Alternative Plumbing Material Pilot Program expired as of September 1, 2021. Data acquired through the pilot helped to inform the proposed changes to the Plumbing Code introduced to the City Council on September 14, 2021 as ordinance O2021-4134. The proposed ordinance will authorize use of PVC for drain, waste, and vent piping ​for residential occupancies in buildings up to 60 feet in building height and will eliminate the need to apply for and receive an Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) once adopted.

While the proposed ordinance is being considered by the City Council, ACARs seeking the use of PVC drainage and vent pipe in residential occupancies, consistent with the proposed ordinance, will be processed. These requests should be submitted on the new form developed for this purpose, which is available on the Alternative Code Approval Request (ACAR) web page.

Alternative plumbing material ACAR requests submitted under the pilot program and received after September 1 will not be considered. Any request submitted after September 1 that meets the revised eligibility criteria may be resubmitted on the new form without payment of an additional fee.

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