Alternative Plumbing Materials Pilot Program Extended to December 31, 2020
July 23, 2020
The Department of Buildings (DOB) is pleased to announce that its successful Alternative Plumbing Materials Pilot Program is being extended to December 31, 2020 while the Department works with stakeholders and the city council to make the program permanent.
The pilot program applies to new construction of residential buildings up to 4 stories in height and existing residential and non-residential buildings up to 4 stories in height. Applicants may request permission to use any material allowed by the Illinois Plumbing Code for drain, waste, and vent pipe inside of buildings and within 5 feet of the building foundation.
More information and application forms for the Alternative Plumbing Materials Pilot Program, including eligible projects and specific requirements is available on DOB’s Alternative Code Approval webpage.
The Department launched the pilot program in October 2017 to gather information about the cost and performance of alternative plumbing materials. To date, the pilot program has saved tens of millions of dollars for building owners and small developers working on projects throughout Chicago.