Be Informed. Be Protected. Consumer Protection Campaign

Be Informed. Be Protected. Campaign:
The comprehensive Be Informed. Be Protected. Campaign. aims to provide consumers with simplified tips and resources across a wide array of topics. The series of flyers are geared toward protecting consumers from fraud and informing them of the actions they can take if they have become a victim of fraud. This campaign helps BACP carry out its mission to ensure a safe and vibrant marketplace for consumers.
View previous consumer protection webinars

Helpful Consumer Protection Flyers:
- CHI 311 / 311 /Arabic/Korean/Mandarin/Polish
- Consumer Protection / Proteccion al Consumidor /حمایة المستھلك/ 소비자 보호 /消费者保护 / OCHRONA KONSUMENTA
- Credit Report / Reporte De Credito
- Happy Hour and BYOB / Propuesta Happy Hour y BYOB
- Hiring a Tax Preparer / Contratar a un Especialista En Impuestos
- Home Repair / Reparaciones De Viviendas
- Immigration Services / Servicios De Inmigracion / خدمات الھجرة / 이민 서비스 / 移民服务 / USŁUGI NA RZECZ POMOCY IMIGRANTOM
- Limos and Charter/Tour Buses / Limusinas y Autobuses Turisticos/De Transporte
- Motor Vehicle Repair (MVR) Shop / Talleres De Reparacion De Automoviles (MVR)
- Online Shopping / Compras En Linea
- Pedicabs / Bicitaxis a Pedal De Chicago
- Purchasing a Vehicle / Comprar un vehículo
- Small Business Loans / Prestamos A Pequenas Empresas
- Taxicabs / Taxis De Chicago
- Tour Boats, Water Taxies, and Charter Boats / Barcos Turisticos, Taxis Acuaticos y Barcos de Transporte
- Transportation Network Provider (TNP): Ride-Hail / Proveedor De La Red De Transprorte (TNP): Transporte Privado
- Using a Towing Service / Usar Un Servicio De Remolque
The Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) is tasked with protecting Chicagoans from acts of consumer fraud, unfair methods of competition, and deceptive practices. This includes any conduct that violates the Municipal Code sections related to business operations or consumer protection, as well as anything that is an unlawful practice under the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.
Consumers are urged to use the CHI 311 system (call 3-1-1, use the CHI311 mobile app, or visit to report fraud or other possible illegal practices by businesses or contractors located in Chicago. For more information on the City’s role in enforcing consumer fraud laws, visit the BACP Consumer Protection Homepage.